[center][h1] A Silent Mage, A Brooding Sage[/h1] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1CjxQXXA7o]Song of a Former Devil[/url][/center] Scanning the board for the mission, he came across something that fancied his interest. "............." Scanned the slip from where he was standing, his emotionless expression remained. It was a search and rescue mission, and it was for a little girl that went mission last week. A mental nod to himself he grasped the paper and examined it more closely. [center]Have you seen this girl? [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/04/b4/8d/04b48dd3c311f7a5a3fe193364d6870b.jpg[/img] This girl was last seen of the coast of Cedar city, there is no signs of struggle or anything to lead us on. Please help us in finding her![/center] [color=fff79a]"I think I am suited to finding this missing girl, after all others should be allowed to take out a few dark guild members."[/color] Not to far from him, came the voice of Beatrix Durandal, another well known mage of the guild. Unfortunate she would not be taking his mission, nor would Sage allow her to. Walking away from the mission board Sage held the mission slip in his hand as he made his way towards the bar, passing over the trio that were still talking as he arrived at the bar. Seeing no one at the bar to take his recording, he took out a small notepad. Before he could write on it, he paused. He regained his voice after fusing with the devil slayer, but why did he still opt to using the notepad? He strugged, it must be a habit now.... Snapping back to reality, he pulled out a pen and wrote a quick note to whoever was in charge of overseeing mission. placing it with a paper, he quietly left the two notes on the bar. >I'm taking this mission, alone- S. Ruzuzaki Sage yawned for the third time as he left he guild and headed back to his home to get everything ready. It was going to be a easy mission, but then again. There was always a hiccup with these kinds of mission. [@Kitsune]