[color=ed1c24][b][h2]Caligula[/h2][/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] 26 [color=ed1c24]Gender:[/color] Male [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/f459/i/2013/222/d/9/wipay_wipay_by_xcountingbodiesx-d6hjjn0.png[/img][/hider] [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] A true psychopath, Caligula is little more than a bully given a position of power. He follows the idea to treat everyone under him with contempt and give a fake smile to all those above him. If the Legion had not given him what he wanted he might have tried the fiends or other raiders, but the Legion gave him everything and even more. Caligula is aggressive, short tempered and violent. [color=ed1c24]Backstory:[/color] Raised in a small tribe in Arizona, the young man named "Kissed by Fire" for his red hair had an interesting upbringing. He learned to fight at an incredibly early age and seemed very talented to say the least. He was at a young enough age to become a legionary and his fighting skills served him well in training and practice. He than adopted, like so many others a roman name, wearing it with pride. Not because he liked for what it stood but because he liked the power that came with it. It was with the legion he learned many important things. For one that power made right. He never gave a single thought if the principles of the legion were right. He never cared about right or wrong to begin with. However he liked to be above other people and a legion of slave owners was just to perfect for that. He also learned how to mask his feelings. To his superiors he was an excellent recruit, disciplined, a good combatant and faithful. After he fought and survived the battle of Hoover Damn he was promoted to Urban Decanus and given a team of ten men. Since than he and his team became notorious in Freeside for being unnecessary violent with drug addicts and the like, taking stuff without paying for it and even being rapists, while getting away with it. Actually the Urban Praetor above Calligula is an old friend, who now and then turns a blind eye, still Calligula walks the thin line between accepted Legionary behavior and being a thug in an uniform. [color=ed1c24]Clothing/Equipment:[/color] Legionary Armor and Healing Powder [color=ed1c24]Weaponry:[/color] Machetes, 10mm pistol [color=ed1c24]Role within society:[/color] Urban Decanus [color=ed1c24]SPECIAL:[/color] Strength 7, Perception 6, Endurance 7, Charisma 3, Intelligence 4, Agillity 8 and Luck 5)