Name: JG Age: ??? Anywhere between 15 and 25 Gender: Female Appearance: -Hair: long, golden blonde -Eyes: big, dark blue -Height: 5'5 (165cm) -Build: hourglass shape, looks 'soft' but actually quite muscular underneath -Voice: soft-spoken, slightly unusual accent that can't be placed. Deepens her voice subtly when trying to appear more threatening or confident. First impressions: often mistaken as looking innocent due to her air-head demeanour and blonde/blue-eyed combo. Biography: JG doesn't remember much about...anything. Not total amnesia; she has vague recollections of her past in general, but nothing she could talk about in great detail. She's always led a bit of a wanderer/thief/troublemaker type life, so waking up on the rooftop in a strange city somehow didn't feel out of the norm for her. If her sleep-teleportations seem weird, it's nothing compared to her actual morphology. Despite looking like a human girl, something isn't quite right about her. Her body language is more akin to that of a cat, probably due to her inexplicable ability to shape shift into a variably feline form. She has loose control over this; appearing human when she wants to stay anonymous, but able to grow ears, fangs claws and a tail within seconds and with no effort. Although she doesn't like to experiment through fear of permanently becoming a cat, she has in the past been able to morph completely into one, though the greater her transformation, the more time and effort it demands of her, and the slower to reverse.