Gideon shrugged off Reagan's tongue lashing, as far as he was concerned, it meant he had done his veil well enough that he could surprise at least a couple Wardens by dropping it. He nodded solemnly at Jimmy's explanation, it was about as much as he had expected that they would know. He checked his satchel and glancing out the window to make sure he'd have enough chalk to encircle the building, affirmed his stance. "I'll wait for the boom, then." He nodded over at Kain. "Good, well there shouldn't be a shortage of either of those things in the near future. ----------------------------------------- Gideon waited sidelong down and across the street from the assault team, several paces away from the outside wall of the target building. Already veiled, he tapped Garm's pommel under his cloak with his right hand, twitching a long piece of chalk in his left, his eyes focused on the doors and windows out in case he thought someone (or something) might see him despite his veil. His tattoo hadn't started lighting up yet, which was a good sign in terms of his theory about there being ghosts there, but the oppressive feeling being exuded from the building could still be felt by him, he'd been in enough legitimately haunted houses to recognize a similar feeling. Whatever was in the house likely wasn't good, but they wouldn't know until they tried.