It was right there, just a little bit further up the road. But why now of all times did mutants have to start showing up? Their confidence grew as night drew closer, that much was clear... But they seemed riled up more than usual. Nosalises and watchmen growled at each other just outside the building at the end of the road, oblivious to the two humans, and what lurked above. It wasn't normal to see the groups facing off, not that Raisa knew that. The Major however knew something had drawn the nosalises out into the Moscow cold, into watchmen territory. But what? Or... who? His eyes scanned the windows around them for activity His gaze then rested upon the slit-like windows in the back of whatever that building used to be. The air vents in there would take them down into Volgogradsky Prospekt. They just had to make it there in one piece first. "Sokov. This is it. Hear the flapping above us? More demons. Stick close to the walls, move fast, be deliberate. We have one shot only at reaching the target building, if we fuck up then that's it... Be wary of human contacts and call them out if you see any, stay with me!" The Major commanded, picking up the pace as he held his rifle up to the gathered mutants. His pace quickened, eyes darting from his scope to his feet every few moments to ensure safety. Tripping and being mauled wouldn't be his idea of a glorious death... Raisa followed him, adrenaline pumping. She was going back underground, as long as she did exactly as the expert said. She followed him a little slower, as she had to keep their backs covered. Look out for human contacts? Where did he get that idea? No time for thinking, only time for doing. The veteran stalker fired a single 7.62 round into the crowd, causing both the nosalises and watchmen to scarper. This in turn had the demon swoop down into the open street to pick an unfortunate watchman up and carry it away to its nest. The other mutants were getting out of the area, and sharpish! "Move, run!" The Major took to bolting away from the wall and straight down the street, soon followed by Raisa when she'd heard him break into a sprint. Being younger and carrying less gear, she overtook him - but that was good - he said she'd have to help him up. Making that high window slit would be easy! What they didn't expect right now was to hear a terrifying roar from above, and then in the buildings on either side of the street, and behind them...! Both their hearts sank at the cry for their blood, but they were so close now!