[center][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/a462c167d6afe41598bac10bf7ed283a/tumblr_nrxuas8vSS1sasvhfo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h2]Welcome everyone to...[color=ed1c24]New Tokyo Empire Wrestling!!![/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/075/8/7/paige_x_emma___tap_out_by_vashperado-d7aes4m.jpg[/img][/center] This is a Pro-Wrestling RP, primarily inspired by New Japan Pro Wrestling and sports animes like Hajime No Ippo and focusing on a group of young wrestlers who dream of making their mark on wrestling's grandest stage, New Tokyo Empire Wrestling. At the start of the RP, they all train and wrestle at the Tsuruta University’s Pro Wrestling club to prepare themselves for finding work with a real wrestling promotion. While full-time students make up the bulk of the club, it is open to all regardless of their affiliation with the university. The club is preparing to hold a small wrestling show open to the general public. If all goes well, this should bring notice from the smaller established promotions and create opportunities for the club's wrestlers. From there, they can make a name for themselves, keep training hard, and start to work their way up to New Tokyo Empire Wrestling. There’s a long road ahead, but plenty of wrestlers in began their careers under similar circumstances. Rules: 1. Drew and I are the GMs. We run this RP, but if you think something we’re doing is dumb, feel free to tell us. We’ll do my best to make sure everyone gets heard. 2. No Godmoding. It might be fun to play the invincible hero, but roleplaying only works when you cooperate with others. Flaws give a character depth, and they’re a great source of drama. 3. Keep it semi-realistic. There’s a lot of leeway, but the basic principles of physics should still apply. You aren’t gonna see 7 footers pulling off 450 splashes, or cruiserweights deadlifting 400 pound giants. 4. As a matter of courtesy, please let us know if you’re leaving the RP or will be away for an extended period of time. 5. If you have a suggestions or ideas, please share them. Participation is what keeps RPs alive 6. Multiple characters are allowed, please limit yourself to three for now. 7. Have fun! [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Wrestling name:[/b] (if different than real name) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture or description) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b](Over 18 please) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Gimmick:[/b](One sentence description of the general concept for their wrestling persona, something like “Rude American biker” or “Young guy who lacks strength but makes up for it with spirit”) Wrestling style: (How they wrestle. Doesn’t need to be elaborate, could just be something like “high flying risk taker” or “strength based moves and hard strikes”) [b]Finishing move:[/b] (one or two for now) [b]Signature moves:[/b] (Two to five) [b]Strengths:[/b] (at least two) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (at least two) [b]Entrance Music:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] (anything else you want) [/hider] [hider=Wrestling Promotions to know] New Tokyo Empire Wrestling: The best of the best and Japan’s most popular promotion. They’ve got the most talented roster and the most exciting matches of any promotion. They accept wrestlers of almost any style (hardcore is the only one they tend to avoid) and are always looking for new talent. It’s difficult for newbies to get started, but nowhere else offers the same opportunities. Independent Promotions: These are both smaller than NTEW, and where a lot of talent gets their start before making their way to the big leagues. Wrestlers do not have to be exclusive to one. Yamato Pro Wrestling: Once the greatest rival of NTEW, the promotion has become a shell of its former self as retirements and injuries have robbed them of their greatest stars. Their usual style is similar to NTEW and well-rounded, but it can be difficult to gain popularity in front of shrinking audiences and aging stars unwilling to respect newcomers. In an effort to revitalize the product, they've begun holding shoot-style matches and co-promoting with MMA and Kickboxing organizations. This can help wrestlers' technical skills, but takes a heavy toll on the body. Phoenix King: A high-flying, fast paced promotion that draws heavily from Lucha Libre. In addition to having matches filled with exciting moves, they also love to book tag-team matches. The style doesn’t work as well with large wrestlers, and some have criticized that their wrestlers forget good psychology in the middle of the frantic action. After their rival Extreme Violence Arts had financial problems, many of their wrestlers ended up joining Phoenix King and bringing their brand of hardcore wrestling with them. It’s easy to get exposure by doing crazy stunts in these matches, but traditional wrestlers look down on it. Other: Universal Championship Wrestling: America’s largest wrestling promotion. They occasionally have shows in Japan. The core of their business in is America where their TV show is a ratings juggernaut; more due to their storylines and marketing than the quality of the matches. There’s rumors flying around that the owner has big plans for Japan. [/hider] Upcoming matches/events: Tsuruta University Pro Wrestling Club show, no matches scheduled yet.