This is the carrying on of an RP from the previous site; I'll be adding more to this as I remember it (no cached posts that I can find, sorry!). [b]Basic Premise:[/b] Ardania is a world where the nobility are those who were born with magic, a hereditary characteristic fiercely guarded by the elite. Near-constant war has torn apart the otherwise lush and fertile land as four nations, forged themselves in war, battle for control. Eventually, as a new queen rises to the throne in Elianst, a peace settlement has been made with provision for a future without war. The main feature of this treaty was the creation of the Academy; a massive institution set up with contribution from all four nations in a central, neutral zone. Towns sprung up outside the massive gatehouses as the only traffic heading in or out was of noble blood, bringing with them the fortunes of their families. Indeed, only the nobility can attend this Academy for it is here that the new generation will learn how to wield magic but more importantly forge bonds with those from other nations in a desperate attempt by their forebears to maintain peace and break free from the endless circle of strife and warfare. [b]Four Nations:[/b] [b]Elianst:[/b] (Capital 'Eleshir', Magical Affinity: Water/Air). A fertile lowland country to the North-West of the continent, Elianst is somewhat of a breadbasket for the known world and as such has a large population and suffers relatively few food shortages. It's soil owes its fertility to the myriad rivers flowing down from the mountains to the South-East at the border with Fristha and from there into the sea at Elianst's North border. With easy access to the sea and the river-ways the country has a strong naval tradition; it's capital city of Eleshir sprawls across the plains where many of the main rivers meet, giving access to almost the entire country by water. Rich from its supremacy in the trade of food stuffs as well as from heavy tariffs from complete naval supremacy, Elianst has survived the continuous state of war better than the other three countries. It is perhaps surprising, then, that it was the new Queen's mission to ensure a lasting peace when her country had much to gain from its position of strength. Other nations were receptive to her ideal and Elianst footed much of the bill for the Academy's luxurious installation as a gesture of faith. Most of the Queen's subjects support her rule due to the stability, security and increased trade peace has already brought but there are many who crave the chaos of battle and would rather see their enemy's lands in their own hands rather than as places of trade. [b]Fristha:[/b] (Capital 'Highwind', Magical Affinity: Air/Earth). South-East of Elianst Fristha sits atop a massive plateau whipped by strong winds. The warren of tunnels into and through the plateau offer the safest source of travel while towns sit nestled behind any barrier they can find; largely rocky outcrops or in valleys on the plateau. The capital of Highwind forgoes this and sits on the highest point of the entire plateau where the winds are strongest. The only way to access the city is by the massive cages that travel up through the centre of the veritable mountain it rests upon for its sides are too sheer for any path to be cut. This is Highwind's greatest strength; not once has any nation even attempted to conquer or besiege it for such an effort would be futile. The city itself is protected by an ancient spell which surrounds the city in a bubble-like sphere, letting only slight breezes into the city's maze of streets. The people of this nation are naturally hardy from the dangers their country poses and know patience like no others; used to waiting months at a time for a break in the winds to make the more dangerous journeys not possible by underground routes. Historically Fristha attempted war with Elianst but when trade was cut off the people starved and the two countries into a pact of trade: food for metals and jewels. Both have profited from this trade and it was rare for either nation to engage in warfare with the other from this point although some hard-liners still resent the dependency on Elianst's fertile lands for their survival and insist it should be taken by force. [b]Helgland:[/b] (Capital: None as such. Magical Affinity: Earth/Fire). This nation sprawls to the West of Ardan's continent, almost from coast to coast if not for the small spit of land conquered by Elianst centuries before on the northern coastline. Heavy tectonic activity make earthquakes more frequent than not and the multitude of volcanoes have ensured that the land is either fertile or uninhabitable. The peoples of Helgland have learned not to settle in any place for too long lest it be devastated by forces of nature out of their control. Due to this they are somewhat a nomadic people, travelling from one place to another in search of the fertile lands dotted about their country while fleeing any imminent danger. Outposts across the country allow for fast communication and the government can always be found and contacted quickly, perhaps even faster than in more settled nations, due to this reliance on quick and accurate news. Normally such a nation might be presumed to be weak and it is true that in military force it is lacking in comparison to its rich northern neighbour. However in war a lack of settlements makes it easy to enact 'Scorched Earth' policies and guerrilla tactics. Land can be easily obtained form Helgland but the unpredictable nature of the land makes it somewhat unappealing for invaders. By comparison, Helgland gains greatly from obtaining any stable land on which to construct more permanent settlements, even if just to raid further into opposing countries for their wealth and munitions. This nation was perhaps the most opposed to the peace as its people relied upon the spoils of war to enrich themselves however the threat of the remaining three nations allying against it quickly enforced a peace. [b]Anstarm[/b]: (Capital: Arnst. Magical Affinity: Water/Fire) This country is settled in the far south of the continent, said to cover any and all lands which are perpetually blanketed by snow. In summer it is possible to plant crops but this is pointless except in very few areas where micro-climate makes it possible to cultivate them all year round; the quick onset of winter-conditions result in mass crop failures and the people rely on hunting and fishing to sustain them. All the towns are fortified in this nation but not due to threats from their neighbours. Inhabiting it are a mix of settled, 'civilised' people who live in the towns but just as numerous are the hordes of 'barbarians' who live out in the frozen wasteland living nomadic lifestyles like those in Helgland; in fact some have suggested that the origin of the two peoples is the same. These raiders were united by the current king and led to great success in the wars, returning with ample food supplies to carry them through the coldest Winter months. However when peace was made and the king readily agreed to a truce in exchange for supplies from Elianst, via Fristha, many of the raiding tribes refused to acknowledge his authority any longer and began to wage a civil war inside the country. With the king supposedly ill many of the hitherto loyal tribes are beginning to join their brethren in opposing the truce. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Magic Lore:[/b] All magic fits into one of five elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Heaven/Void. To this day the last elements is merely a theory and exists in legend; no mage has living memory of such magic being used, whatever they may claim. Each nation has magical affinities based largely upon what magic enabled the nobility in said nation to survive and thrive. For example, Elianst's nobility are largely users of Water or Air magic due to the abundance of water in their country and the utility of both in the art of sailing. Little to no inter-marriage has taken place between the nations resulting in a lack of variation in elemental affinities in each nation however it is not entirely unknown for a Fire user to have been born into an Elianst family. The reason for such sparseness in variation also lies in the herditary nature of magic: it is passed down from generation to generation by blood and usually in a paternal sense. However it is not unusual for a child to inherit the magical affinity of their mother instead of their father. Some mages are capable of using more than one element but have a clear affinity to one in particular and their usage of the others is extremely poor. In terms of its actual use magic is not invoked by words. Its source is a mixture of physical stamina and mental concentration; a poor student in either will find their abilities severely compromised. Controlling an existing element, for example manipulating a brazier as a fire user or utilizing water from a nearby river, requires far less strength than conjuring an element out of 'thin air.' When doing either magical theory states that it comes from invoking the spirits of an element; religion ties in heavily with magic and each nation has a series of patron gods whose origins tie in heavily with the magical affinities most common in said nation. Nobility often claim heritage from one or other of these gods to legitimize their ownership of magic. Finally, mages summon familiars to assist them as lifelong companions. They may only summon one familiar and if this familiar dies then the mage's soul dies with it. If the mage dies then the same happens for the familiar for their souls are permanently linked once the contract has been made during the summoning. The familiar itself will vary greatly with some mages summoning a rat or a small creature while some (a very few often listed as great heroes in history) have been known to summon dragons or other mythological creatures. Usually the familiar reflects the mage's personality in one or another; either being consistent with it or reflecting the mage's needs as a yin to their yang. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Story So Far:[/b] A quick recap of the story would go as this: The students have arrived at the Academy, found their dorms and attended the reception banquet on the first night. The following day started with each student focussing their concentration on a slip of special papyrus like material given to them which would change colour depending upon their magical affinity. Immediately after this the students were taken to the yard and instructed on how to summon their familiars. After a brief lunch a lesson in arms training was given. Wooden swords were handed out and only once proven as a skilled combatant were students given blunted steel weapons for sparring. Archery was also a valid school of arms training. The session was interrupted by a dual in which one student (Henry Charlton) was heavily wounded due to his opponent's lack of chivalry however he still won the duel without taking his opponent's life. The training session continues. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Academy[/b] The Academy sits in a neutral buffer zone separating the four great nations around it. The expansive grounds are encased entirely in a massive wall thick and high enough to deter even the most determined of attackers. Added to magical reinforcement of the structure the gatehouses become the only feasible method of entry and these are heavily defended by both men and magic making forced entry a near impossibility - it would take a nation's army to break into the Academy and by the terms of the truce the remaining nations would ally against such an offender. The grounds inside the walls are massive, encompassing whole mountain ranges, fields and lakes; the Academy could well be considered a small nation in and of itself for all the territory it holds. Well constructed roads from each of the four gatehouses give direct travel to the Academy's main building which sits at the exact centre of the complex. This building is a massive tower constructed by powerful mages with three other smaller towers nearby, covered walkways between them and the central tower at near every floor furthering the elegant design of the structures. Inside these towers the lessons for the students go on; the central tower is an assembly hall, doubling as a refectory, on the bottom floor for any large occasions with offices and accommodation for the senior staff found here. Each of the other four towers is dedicated to one of the four known elements. Once the students are sorted into their specialist classes they take lessons specific to their affinity in the dedicated tower. Arms Training and more general lessons are still taken in the central tower or out on the training fields which surround the Academy's centre. The accommodation for the student exists in large sandstone buildings found further out from the Academy. They are within walking distance but carriages run all day and all night all over the campus if the students elect not to stretch their legs or are in a hurry. These buildings can be found at the points of the compass around the Academy: due North, due East, due South and due West. The dormitory buildings are not exactly dedicated to any of affinities or countries but by and large those from the same nations will be found concentrated in one particular building; usually the one built in the architectural style of their country as well. The buildings are named, rather unimaginatively, by the point of the Compass they would be situated on (North House, East House, South House and West House). The North House is occupied largely by those from Elianst, the East House by Fristhans, the South House by those from Arnst and the West House by those from Helgland. Around the buildings are numerous lakes, often accompanied by a pavilion or some other feature, with cobbled walkways to be found leading in all directions so that the more adventurous students may venture out to explore their surroundings. At each of the Academy's gates a small town has built up to supply the rich nobles coming and going from the institution within. Benefiting from the neutral status of the zone and so its lax trade restrictions each of the towns has grown large and reasonably powerful however they all answer to the one found to the North where the governor is seated; the North town being the riches and most affluent simply by virtue of being the first present. Together the towns are called Union City, identified from one another once again by the nearest compass point they are associated with. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic Character Skeleton: Name: Age: Gender: Country of Origin: House: Magical Affinity: Appearance/Description: Description of their familiar: Biography/History: