The City of Ivor. A City, advertised to tourists as a great place to live and visit. But under the fake smiles and warm welcomes, there lives fear. The fear of us. We are the Deck. We run off of the money and goods that the Cities businesses provide us with their generous… Donations. Lately the police force has tried to stop our incursions and raids. We aim to put a stop to that. It’s time to bring our best out of hiding and into the light of day to secure our place in Ivor. Our Ranks are divided into 4 “Suits”, if I may. Hearts; Are Smart, Deceitful, and love to play with their prey. Diamonds: Are the best at sneaking into places and leading the fight from behind the scenes Spades: Are great with the weapons that they wield. Clubs: Are the muscle. And they are not afraid to show it. Soooooo…. What do you guys think? Interested? Oh yeah and a side note, I let anybody play the police if they so choose.