Name: Ryner Shultz Age: 49 Nicknames: The Jack of no trade, the man with no talent Birthday: September 4th Family: N/A Personality: Ryner is a bit of a strange man. He is always seeming a bit paranoid and skiddish, looking around, keeping his hand on a weapon at all times and licking his lips constantly. He is ever vigilant, and is more like a rat than a human do to his odd behavior. It seems like he never leaves his store, never sleeps, and is somewhat hostile to criticism. Above this, he is one of the hardest hagglers int he world, and is clearly very greedy. Ryner is always very strict, and seems almost like a Sargent at time. Still, he is not a terrible person to most. If you are a kind person, or he just randomly finds a shying to you, he's much like any other elderly man. Kind, sweet, gentle and wise. Unlike many old people, he does have the issue of being a complete coward. Besides being a push over to many, he is also too afraid to help anyone in need most of the time. Every now and then, he will have a sudden burst of bravery. Sells: Ryner sells a lot of strange things, unique gems, gadgets, tools, and decor from all around the world. But more than this, he is secretly one of the best at making intense medicine and drugs to be found, but he rarely ever sells these. Generally, all his things are very high priced and strange, most of which no one really noes how to use. Likes: Historical utensils, shiny things, bugs, skin, alcohol Dislikes: Dogs, cats, most children, birds, nature in general Appearance: [img][/img] Doesn't seem to want to work. Weapon(s): Besides a few odd robot contraptions to protect the shop, Ryner has a few odd weapons. One is a gun that unfolds from a tiny box into that of a Mauser pistol. The next is a shock baton that he keeps under the counter. The third is a sword sealed in his cane. Biography: What is known is that at a younger age he was in the hardest core in a powerful military, and was stationed over the majority of his career. At some point, he must have had a girl in his life, as he has pictures of her sparsely over the walls, but he refuses to let people look at them for too long. He is now revered as a freak, and is usually only known for being forced into making miscellaneous chems for hoodlums, and for rumors of what he or his robots have done to animals stationed outside his store for too long. Many beleive him to be some sort of devil.