[hider=Jikangai, Tensai][center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/IMG] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rrDCzUbwtZs/VOAGXhQ3b-I/AAAAAAAAAFo/BLI7hsVyzj0/s1600/Zilean.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png[/IMG] 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Jikangai, Tensai[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [I]Sōan-sha no Tsuchi [Architect of Stone][/I] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]???[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Bisexual[/I] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png[/IMG] 【[U]Birth Country[/U]】 [I]N/A[/I] 【[U]Current Village[/U][】 [I]Kyokujitsu no Tochi – Ambassador to Iwagakure[/I] 【[U]Organization[/U]】 [I]Jikangai Clan; Yuki Clan[/I] 【[U]Shinobi Rank[/U]】 [I]Toph Beifong in Legend of Korra[/I] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2ugi328.png[/IMG] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]Tensai is much unlike many of the Jikangai, preferring to create and maintain strong familial bonds. He is a wise, peaceful old man who wishes to live out his days in happiness, having already contributed much to the world. Tensai cares dearly for all of his children, both the Yuki clan and the Jikangai clan, and will protect them with his life at all costs. Tensai enjoys long walks and disciplining unruly children with his Doton techniques, or smacking them with his staff. He is also well known for spectating young ninja attempting to train and exerting his staff’s influence to make them fail and grow stronger.[/I] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/IMG] 【[U]History[/U]】 [I] The Jikangai clan's origins begin with the matriarch and eternal leader of the clan, Yata, who was born into a wealthy family in a time where chakra was yet to grace the land. Yata's early history is unknown to anyone but herself, but there are a few established facts that the Jikangai are privy to: Yata was among the first to receive the gift of chakra, and in her blood were the secrets to the first sealing techniques. Yata became the first to utilise the nature of the seal to manipulate chakra in ways that could not be achieved within the body, and her rise to power was as swift as it was lethal. Yata later discovered that her sealing techniques were potent enough to affect the flow of time within small areas, and developed this power over many years alone. At some point, Yata gave birth to her first child, Kinjiro, with an unknown father who was on a similar or greater level of power to her, and Kinjiro was born with all of Yata's power except that over time, though she was the first Jikangai known to possess the trait of being "outside time", likely a result of Yata's experimentation with temporal energies. The earliest members of the Jikangai were not selectively bred or taught like many of the earliest coalitions of clans. Initially, to gain entry to the Jikangai one only needed to be a powerful male (in order to create children from Yata's side to pass her potent sealing power down) or to have an interest in the sealing techniques that Yata offered. Coalitions of like-minded people that were not required to possess specific traits were initially rare, so the earliest Jikangai groupings were not as powerful as many of the other fledgling clans, but as the requirements to join were so simple, many chose to partake of the power that Yata offered. War was common in the early days as people discovered the limitations of their newfound power, but the Jikangai chose to weave seals within their architecture that offered them highly fortified and defensive positions through which to avoid battle. The legendary safety of their strongholds resulted in those tired of war defecting to join the Jikangai, and after a few short decades the Jikangai had members of almost every discipline that presently existed and the means to research many more. When Yata's first child, Kinjiro, turned thirty two she achieved the secrets of immortality and shared these with her mother, causing the pair to become biologically immortal for a time. This secret gave the matriarch of the Jikangai clan enough time to perfect the seals that would render her truly immortal and cement her eternal reign over the Jikangai. It was also around this time that Kinjiro disappeared from the annals of the Jikangai, taking with her several of the more medically minded individuals of the time with her, and the clan turned from essentially worshipping its most powerful members (those who had most of Yata's blood) to a more expansion-oriented people, using their collective knowledge and sealing prowess to become conquerors. The seal-infused architecture typical of the early Jikangai strongholds became as much a weapon of war as the rest of the techniques within the Jikangai's grasp and they reconstructed many settlements that they took over with their own to ensure that none that came after them could take the land should they be ousted, and other contingents of the Jikangai could take their place. The love for complex sealing and structures quickly became the largest downfall of the Jikangai, and their promising expansion years were cut short after only a small number of generations due to infighting within the clan, and their own seal-infused architecture being sabotaged by rival members within the power-oriented clan. Many of the less powerful members died during raids from other sects within the Jikangai, or through the defences upon which they heavily relied being rendered defunct and invading parties having enough of a surprise advantage to turn the tide of battle in their favour. The most powerful of the Jikangai survived and chose to withdraw into the heavily fortified structures that they had relied upon in their infancy, abandoning hopes of conquest for mastery over their sealing techniques under Yata's directive. Yata, the Immortal Matriarch, directed the clan's efforts towards creating a set of seals of unknown form and function shortly after their withdrawal from their expansive phase, and at some point within the next ten years all instances of the Jikangai on the surface world promptly vanished and retreated into a single underground compound. Much controversy was raised over the reason for the disappearance of any large body of Jikangai, but several missionaries remained in the world to quell these rumours and to recruit promising talents into the folds of the Jikangai. Though it would seem, from looking at the history books, that the Jikangai simply erased themselves from the world, nothing could be farther from the truth. After withdrawing to their underground compound, the Jikangai returned to their original state of pseudo-ancestor worship. Yata once again became the ultimate public authority within the clan (where before she had largely ruled from the shadows) and once the seals she had ordered the clan create were finished, she ascended beyond the mortal scope of power. With her new seals, Yata's presence was dangerous to all non-Jikangai, and though there was no immediate aftermath, the clan grew worried that her unchecked power would draw attention to their hiding location and chose to construct a sphere in which to entrap their Immortal Matriarch and limit her power. Yata herself designed the seals for her gilded cage, recognising the threat that she posed, and willingly withdrew to lead the clan from within a place that she could do no harm. Unfortunately, Yata's prison limited the contact that she could have with her children, and she receded from the spotlight once more to allow the Jikangai to work towards goals she would entrust to the most powerful members of the clan. It was at this point that the various sects of the Jikangai begun to develop, each with a focus on a particular aspect of sealing, and the clan begun to evolve into the complex society that it is today. In order to avoid stagnancy, the Jikangai offered the secrets of their seals to the world for knowledge and resources that they may have needed through use of their missionaries, who in return recruited brilliant individuals to join the clan. This process has continued since that era, and is still something that occurs semi-regularly within the Jikangai. It is not uncommon for the most powerful members of the Jikangai (those selected to receive Kinjiro's gift of immortality) to directly intervene with mortals of specific interest and prowess to offer them unique gifts in return for their service. Some would liken the Jikangai to would-be Gods, undying beings with a penchant for interfering within the lives of perceived lesser beings for their amusement, but the truth of the matter is far simpler than that: The Jikangai scions are mortal ambition taken to its furthest extreme, with the power to match, and delight in precisely the same game of control that all mortals do, only on a larger scale. Jikangai, Tensai was the first male child of Yata, and was considered a failure from the second he was born. As only females carried the potency of Yata's blood on a level she found acceptable for her children, Tensai was forced to work much harder than any of his brothers or sisters in order to earn his mother's approval - and in his early years, this spurred him to hone his mind and his skills far more than any of his siblings except Kinjiro, who was consistently the most powerful. When Tensai's affinity for Doton chakra was revealed, Kinjiro and Tensai collaborated on a series of seals using the natural energy of the land as their fuel and Tensai's unique affinity was discovered. Using her sealing principles, Tensai began to create the seal-infused architecture that the Jikangai came to rely upon and be known for. Tensai and Kinjiro continued to share a strong relationship - much to Yata's dismay - but Kinjiro proved to her mother that male children of the Jikangai could be intelligent and powerful. Though Yata initially refused to legitimise Tensai as a truly powerful Jikangai, after he created the initial rock constructs that would eventually become the primary Jikangai stronghold, and was the only one capable of manipulating the earth to the degree that Yata required for her buildings. When Kinjiro created her laboratory, Tensai was the first to be invited and helped her work out the mathematics and fuuinjutsu necessary to achieve her elixir of immortality. After the formula was perfected and Kinjiro herself was immortal, she offered the serum to Tensai. Tensai accepted, but on the condition that he would still age (albeit slowly), as he fully intended to die after he had completed his work and raised a family. During the period of recovery from the Elixir of Immortality, Yata engraved her seals of obedience into Tensai's soul to ensure his obedience - partly as he had grown powerful, and partly as she could never forgive him for the curse of being a male. Under Yata's influence, Tensai was compelled to begin a family, and is the grandfather of Jikangai, Yuuhi (who he taught to be powerful in spite of his perceived "lesser" blood). After procreating, Tensai found that he enjoyed the familial life and with the assistance of Kinjiro was able to have children with anyone that he wished. Tensai sired many children, most female but few born with the Chigoku Inkan, with many different mothers and fathers. Eventually, Tensai settled with a woman that he would stay with until she died whose children went on to form the Yuki clan. After many years of soul searching, perfecting his fuuinjutsu, and contributing enough to the cause of the Jikangai Tensai chose to settle down and marry a wife, Shiori of the Yuki clan. Tensai contributed much to the libraries of the Yuki, including all of the works of writing he had produced during his time with Kinjiro in her laboratory, and petitioned his grandson Yuuhi to allow him to take copies of all of the research that Kinjiro had not deemed forbidden with him for his persual and to share with his many children. Yuuhi agreed, and allowed him to take the books. After taking the books, Tensai settled down with his wife Shiori to live out their days together and to peacefully pass on at the end of their days. [/I] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png[/IMG] 【[U]Chakra Nature(s)[/U]】 [I]Doton; Inton[/I] 【[U]Weapons/Tools[/U]】 [I]Generic Tools in Surplus [hider=Shihō no Jikangai] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Shihō no Jikangai [Pride of the Jikangai] [b]Location:[/b] Jikangai, Tensai [b]Owner:[/b] Jikangai, Tensai [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Description:[/b] The Shihō no Jikangai is a seemingly innocuous staff that Tensai uses to assist him with walking. On the surface, the staff seems to be completely matte and utterly plain earth, though beneath the outer surface of the staff is a complex structure hewed from the same rock that the original Jikangai compound was comprised of. Years of exposure to the potent fuuinjutsu and ley energy concentrated within the compound have left the rock completely unaffected by non-Jikangai chakra and nigh unbreakable. The internal structure of the staff is a complex ley seal attuned to Tensai’s body that renders him unaffected by its power, but has a toned down effect of Chigoku Inkan: Kanzen Hantai. Other people will find it extremely difficult to mould non-elemental chakra within a fifteen foot radius of the staff, and non-elemental jutsu that enter it will quickly unravel and lose power rapidly. Genjutsu that are not of the highest potency (A Rank or above) or of short duration do not work, and even the most potent of genjutsu (with the exception of genjutsu akin to Hyakune, Kyoko’s Zensekai Gensou) will fade very quickly. This effect is rendered null if Chigoku Inkan: Yokusei no Gogyō is active. Should Tensai impale an enemy with either tip of the staff, a small construct is created and dislodged within them identical to the Chigoku Inkan: Kanzen Hantai that does not lithify the flesh, but does prevent them from moulding or expelling any chakra. [b]Appearance:[/b] A humble staff made of rock. It can be shrunk and hidden within one’s trousers, but gives the illusion of an obscenely large bulge.[/hider] [/I] 【[U]Other Specialties[/U]】 [I][/I] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/IMG] 【[U]Kekkei Genkai[/U]】 [I][b]Name:[/b] Chikogu Inkan [Verbatim Sealing] [b]Type:[/b] Fūinjutsu [b]Clan (If Applicable):[/b] Jikangai [b]Description:[/b] The Chigoku Inkan is the gift of Yata passed down to her children on the female side. Female Jikangai will pass the Chigoku Inkan onto their children regardless of the genetics of their partner, but if a male Jikangai were to procreate with a non-Jikangai female the resulting child is not guaranteed to possess the Chigoku Inkan, which would result in the child not being a Jikangai. Simply put, the ability of the Chigoku Inkan is an innate mastery of Fūinjutsu that extends into manipulation of ninjutsu-like effects. Bearers of the Jikangai bloodline are able to create any effects that they can imagine provided they meet the following requirements: The effect must be understood completely with a single word, the effect must be within the scope of chakra the individual can muster, and the effect cannot defy any laws of nature of physics. The Chigoku Inkan can only apply these desired effects by creating seals in the air around the user or on nearby surfaces that are constructs of pure and fragile chakra, resulting in their effects being rendered null if the seals are physically disturbed or are subjected to any amount of chakra with larger energy or greater control than the seal created by the Chigoku Inkan possesses. The seals created by the Chigoku Inkan are able to replicate simple elemental techniques without the creator having the elemental affinity necessary to create the chakra, but the seals also have no elemental applications beyond the incredibly minor. The seals are most adept at changes to form due to their Yin-aspected nature, and can be used to perform tasks such as picking locks, exerting physical force (breaking objects, cutting through objects, etc.). As the seals are structurally weak constructs of chakra, their effects on people are highly diminished or negated with even the slightest opposition of chakra unless the Jikangai in question has significantly higher chakra control than the intended target. The primary utilisation of the Chigoku Inkan is the inherent capability with and knowledge of seals and sealing techniques that it provides, but it is nevertheless a fantastic source of utility rather than power, and forms the basis for many Jikangai clan techniques.[/i] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/IMG] 【[U]Canon Jutsu[/U]】 Blah blah doton blah 【[U]Custom Jutsu[/U]】 [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De [Verbatim Sealing: In Earth as in Heaven] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Fūinjutsu; Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] Variable [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai’s signature ability with the Chigoku Inkan is his ability to mould the earth into natural seals that mimic the function of naturally occurring ley lines. These seals can be contained within structures of stone – be it smaller containers such as cubes or other shapes, or even within larger structures such as buildings. Seals created with this technique are self-sustaining due to the nature of the natural energy they channel, but all must first be activated with a burst of chakra. Any chakra can activate these seals, but only Tensai’s primer seals are able to deactivate the effects without disrupting the structure. The most basic application of these creations are identical to the Chigoku Inkan, but with more permanence due to the fact they are entombed in stone, but Tensai is able to accomplish much, much more with sets of structures or larger structures (detailed in specific jutsu). [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Shizen Kyōkai Seiretsu [Verbatim Sealing: In Natural Alignment] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninfūinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] Vast [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai is able to manipulate the energy of naturally occurring ley lines, moving them beneath the ground to align in specific patterns that his Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De can utilise. Tensai is able to utilise this natural energy as an accompaniment to his own chakra when creating seal-infused Doton techniques, which significantly reduces the chakra necessary to create them as well as removing almost all of the cost to maintain them as long as they are not moved from the position in which they were originally placed. The most powerful aspect of this technique is Tensai’s ability to forcibly move the ley lines with immense stone constructs. The stone constructs do not need to remain while the ley lines are being moved, but are useless after the position has been changed. Tensai is able to create thirty foot radius circles for up to sixty seconds that draw ley lines and their energies into the circle, which Tensai can use to bolster his techniques and initiate some of his more powerful techniques. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Shizen Ken'eki [Verbatim Sealing: Natural Quarantine] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] NinFūinjutsu ; Kinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] Melee to 500 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Originally created to be one of Tensai’s most powerful techniques, but labelled forbidden due to the efficacy of the technique. Tensai creates exactly thirteen cubes with specific sealing arrangements, each primed to tap into the power of a specific ley line, and arranges them in a circle around the area he wishes to entrap. Tensai then creates a nexus of energy within the circle that is equal parts Fūinjutsu and alignment of ley lines, and initiates the technique. As soon as each cube is activated with a primer seal only he can create, the technique activates. Anything caught within the circle of aligned constructs is frozen in time exactly as it was when the technique was initiated, and cannot be interacted with except by those of Jikangai blood (those who possess the Chigoku Inkan). Other beings that enter the field will also be frozen in time. Removing any of the constructs, disrupting the primer seals, or disturbing the network of ley lines will cause this technique to cease functioning. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Saigo ni Heiwa [Peace, at Last] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Personal [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai imbues his body with Doton chakra and becomes a living conduit for a powerful Fūinjutsu that causes him to temporarily act as a nexus for convergences of ley lines. For the duration of the technique, Tensai is almost completely immune to all physical damage and his presence disrupts chakra, causing jutsu to fail and preventing any living beings from moulding chakra within a ten foot aura of him. For the duration of maintaining this technique, Tensai’s constructs created by Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De cease to function as Tensai directs all ley energy to himself. Tensai can only begin this technique within an area rich in ley lines, which must be created with Chigoku Inkan: Shizen Kyōkai Seiretsu. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Kanzen Hantai [Verbatim Sealing: In Perfect Opposition] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninfūinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 10 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai creates a rhombic fusil that contains a potent seal designed to disrupt the presence and formation of chakra. The points and edges of the construct are especially sharp, and the construct is designed to be placed inside an enemy’s body in order to prevent them from using jutsu while slowly killing them. The flesh around the construct is slowly lithified, bonding to it and becoming more and more challenging to remove until their entire body is petrified. If placed inside an opponent, their body will begin to shut down over the course of two weeks, and no medical ninjutsu are effective due to chakra being unable to be used within a ten foot radius of the target. Damage done by these constructs is almost impossible to fix as the flesh becomes lithified through a coalition of ley line energy and natural energy. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Ōkina Chinmoku [Verbatim Sealing: Great Silence] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 25 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai consumes the power of a construct created by Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De, then claps his hands together and unleashes a blast of energy in a 25 foot range. All Fūinjutsu within the area are disrupted and flooded with ley energy, preventing them from functioning for up to an hour, depending on the complexity of the seal. More complex seals are disabled for longer. Seals contained completely within earth, with the exception of those created by Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De, are immune to this effect. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Motonimodosu [Unmake] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 100 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] 5 [b]Description:[/b] Tensai moulds Doton chakra and mixes it with energy from ley lines, then unleashes the energy in a pulse through the ground. Any man-made constructs of earth that are within the range of the pulse immediately crumble into soil and are reintegrated within the earth. Motonimodosu does not affect Chikyū wa Oboe. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Sharin no Kaiten [Verbatim Sealing: Turning of the Wheel] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Fūinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 100 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] Variable [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai creates a sphere with Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Yō Ni Ji De that is aligned to two types of elemental chakra. Whenever chakra of either nature is moulded within the 100 foot radius range of the construct, it instead becomes chakra of the other nature (preventing successful execution of jutsu of those elements). Techniques that have both elemental natures are unaffected, as are fusions including those elements. Doton chakra is also unaffected by this technique. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chigoku Inkan: Yokusei no Gogyō [Verbatim Sealing: Five Elements Suppression] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninfūinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] Variable [b]Nature Type:[/b] Katon; Suiton; Raiton; Doton; Fūton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai creates five constructs, each at the top of a pillar of earth, in a pentagonal formation with himself at the centre. The ranges of the towers each overlap with one another akin to a [img=https://sillysadhaka.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/venn_pic.jpg]Venn diagram[/img]. Elemental chakra of the nature corresponding to the areas of the constructs cannot leave the body and will be dispersed upon coming into the radius of the construct. While within the centre, one is unaffected by any elemental techniques but is also unable to mould any elemental chakra. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chikyū wa Oboe [The Earth Remembers] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] 50 feet [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] 2; 4 [b]Description:[/b] Tensai floods the earth with Doton chakra upon the first use of this technique, which lingers indefinitely. Upon the second use, the Doton chakra will return the earth to whatever position it was in when the technique was first used. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Chikyū ni Shirei [Command the Earth] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] Variable [b]Nature Type:[/b] Doton [b]Handseals:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Tensai’s mastery of Doton chakra is so immense that he is able to effectively bend the earth to his will by infusing it with a combination of ley energy and Doton aspected chakra. While he cannot create new earth with this technique, he is able to manipulate any earth that he spreads his energy into at will. This earth cannot be separated from the main body of earth, however, and he cannot use it to create projectiles of any kind. [b]Weakness:[/b] Interpret it yourself.[/center][/hider]