[b]Ezra Scultone:[/b] "Hey, mom. Today's the first day of senior year. Yeah, I know.. Time flies, huh? It's been five years now. I miss you.. I miss you so much. Dad misses you as well. He's doing a lot better though. We both are. I'm involved with ORDER... Heh. You never mentioned you had powers. Maybe you didn't. I can see dead people. I think. I haven't been able to talk to them, so I can't ask. Well, it's enough to get me inducted in ORDER. I'm not really treated like a member though. They don't know what to make of me. Heh. Anyways... I have to go now. I'll keep looking for you. I hope you're looking for me." A heavy pause. The only sound the singing of morning birds outside and Ezra's labored breathing. In his hands is a photo taken of Rachel a week before the crash, smiling up at the camera as she looked up from a pile of papers waiting to be graded. It is creased and worn down from being held constantly. Nodding his head, the photograph goes back to it's small shrine on top of his wardrobe. Pictures of his mother and a few small trinkets he kept of hers arranged in a half circle. It is the only perfectly spotless thing in the otherwise unkempt room. The next few minutes are spent in a frenzy of collecting scattered items needed for the first day of school that are spread around the room, tossing all of it into the backpack without much consideration. Ezra's mind is taken off of his mother with thoughts of school rushing through his head. Finally, after considerably more time had been taken in grooming himself, Ezra had his teeth gleaming, hair perfect, and clothing immaculate. His father had already left for the shop today, and he had left a note on the small kitchen table wishing him luck with the first day of school. Pausing only to collect his helmet and jacket, Ezra stepped out to the garage, taking a second to admire his [url=http://www.inventivestudios.co.uk/thebikeshed/1969t120rbonnie4.htm]baby[/url]. He'd spent most of the summer working on her, and he was proud of how she had turned out. Now it was time to give her a test run. Zooming along the road to the school, Ezra caught a brilliant flash of color in the corner of his eye as he sped past, a brilliant blue and red that caught his attention even through his tinted visor. Fearing that it was the cops, Ezra slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road, looking behind him nervously. He had been just ten miles above the speed limit, but you never know with cops on what they'd react to. To his surprise, all he saw was a depressed looking dude with an awkward haircut walking dejectedly. Shaking his head, Ezra turned to leave, when the same flash of blue and red caught his eye. Whirling around, Ezra saw two ghosts flashing and clearly arguing above the guy's head. The colorful bursts of energy they were releasing seemed to keep striking down on the man, which may have explained why he was so hunched over. Noticing the backpack on the guy's shoulders, Ezra realized that it was probably a classmate. And while it wouldn't be the sexiest thing showing up with this guy hanging onto his back, he could hear his mother's voice reminding him to always be generous to the unfortunate. And this guy looked pretty damn unfortunate. Revving his engine, Ezra wheeled the bike around and roared up to the nervous looking boy, pulling up to his side. Lifting up his helmet visor, Ezra spoke, "Hey, need a lift?"