[center][img] http://i58.tinypic.com/ibc6zb.png [/img][/center] [hr] Whittier, Alaska, is a sleepy town tucked between picturesque mountains, frigid sea, and plenty of forest. But if you're picturing a small huddle of houses, think again. Instead, on the edge of town, there stands a 14-story building called Begich Towers- a former Army barracks, resembling an aging hotel, where most if not all of the town's residents live. Finding your way to the remote town isn't very easy, and it’s even harder to find your way out. You can get to Whittier by sea or take an often closed, one-lane tunnel through the mountains. This is why residents inside Begich Towers have everything they need under one roof. [hider= Begich Towers Directory] 1. Main Registration Office & Boiler Room 2. Post Office 3. Police Station & Fire Station 4. Jail & Drunk Tanks 5. Tavern & Restaurant 6. Church 7. School 8. Internet Café & Coffee Shop 9. Laundromat 10. Grocery & Convenience Store 11. Residential Rooms 1100-1105 (Employees of Tower) 12. Residential Rooms 1106-1110 (Single & Family) 13. Residential Rooms 1111-1115 (Mayor & Wealthy) 14. Mayors Office & Tower Meeting Room [/hider] With the annual 30 days of night quickly approaching, the residents of Whittier are going about their appropriate preparations for a month long of darkness. However this year happens to be very different than the rest. During this year’s “lights out” monsters within people come to surface. Your parents, your significant other, even your own children could have hidden monsters within them. It would only be revealed during this time. Along with the residents, outside forces of evil seem to flock to the towers during this event. Survival isn’t promised.