The group of Red Army soldiers moves down the street coming up on the first block. The leader Gestures to a metro sign on the corner "See, Volgogradsky is just up ahead. Just one more block and we've made it to safety. When we get there no one mention we're Reds." He looks at the Metro map "We'll say we're from Kuzminki. That should throw them off the trail long enough for us to pass. Pavlov move up and cover the Intersection. We're going to cross." The men move to the corner, Valery in the middle of the group clutching the Dshk over his left shoulder and his "Bastard" in his right hand. The one called "Pavlov" moves up to the corner and peeks around. "Looks like some watchmen... and the nosalis' seem to be getting agressive with them... Looks like we pissed them off something awful. We should be able to sneak past." The leader of the group moves up to the corner "Alright Engineer me and you will move across first and then we'll cover the others." He says to Valery as he checks out the mutant conflict down the street. Valery moves up behind him ready to move. "Alright sir, Im ready to move." Valery takes a deep breath and tenses up. The leader takes off, staying low behind some cars and rubble. Valery takes off behind him, keeping down low. The street was only 30 or so meters but creeping along made it feel like 300. Each step seeming louder than the last. Valery tried not to think of the pack of death that was throwing distance away. Trying not to think about how any disturbance could cause the beasts to frenzy either at them or the other mu... BAM ... Valery jumps at the sound of the gunshot so close. He peeks up over the car he was standing behind to look down the street. What he saw was pure terror; the Watchmen had turned and were charging away from the gunshot, straight towards Valery and the groups leader. The leader stands up and yells "Damn! Fuck it, everyone run! The entrance to the station is only a little ways ahead!" The leader takes off, headed towards the station. Valery looks back to check on the rest of the team just in time for one of them to run into him. He drops the Dshk but scrambles to pick it up again. The other members of the team run past him, completely ignoring Valery on the ground. He looks over the car to see the mutants a few meters away. Valery ducks down and covers his head as the Watchmen leap over the car. The mutants run over to one of his team mates and start tearing the man apart. Another one of the men turns back to help him and starts shooting the mutants but its too late, the unfortunate man had already been mutilated beyond saving. More mutants jump over the car and start going for the other man who stayed behind. Valery shoots and entire clip at the mutants to kill them. He drops the bastard and picks the Dshk back up, knowing if he leaves it the rest of his team would leave him. "Damn it engineer get the rocks out and come on!" He shouts at Valery as they start to run off. The two scramble to catch up to the others, who have nearly made it to the Metro entrance. The goal is so close, Valery's heart begins to pound harder. The weight hes carrying drags at him like a ball and chain. The blood was rushing through his head. The world disappeared, there were no mutants, theres was only the entrance to the metro. Valery was so fixated on the Metro that he didnt even hear the horrid flapping of wings. A shadow passes over Valery and closes in on the man in front of him. The demon swoops down and picks up the unsuspecting man, carrying him off over some buildings. Valery still didn't look back. As far as he's concerned he wouldnt be able to stop the demons, but he could run until his legs gave out. As Valery closes in, he sees the two others run down into the Metro entrance "No dont leave me behind you fools! I'm nearly there" He shouts as he closes in on the station. As hes about to reach the stairs the other two run back up into the streets. "Its caved in! Move to that building across the street!" The leader yells at Valery as he runs across the street. The three head over to another apartment building but the door is locked. "Damn it, hold them off ill get the door open!" Valery takes the torch off his back and sparks it up. Hopefully 1500 degree flames would drive the Watchmen back. The leader begins kicking at the door as Pavlov reloads his gun. The watchmen charge in at full speed and Pavlov begins to fire all hes got at them. One of them jumps up on valery and he runs the torch across its face. Pavlov fires off his last round and the watchmen start to drag him into the street. Valery starts to run over to him to get the watchmen off, but they back off on their own. A shadow closes in on the wounded man as a demon flies down and grabs him. Pavlov takes his knife out and starts stabbing at the demon as it carries him off. Eventually the demon lets him go and drops him on top of another building. Valery watches in shock, not paying attention to the watchmen closing in. "Come on!" The leader yells as he grabs Valery by the collar and throws him into the building. He turns around and starts fending off the watchmen until he runs out of ammo. One of the Mutants runs up and bites into the Leaders stomach, tearing into the flesh. Valery hurries back up and grabs the leaders pistol, shooting the watchman tearing his guts out. The mutant loosens its grip on the leader and Velery pulls him in and slams the door. He props a chair up against the door to buy time. He drags the wounded man into another room and barricades that door too. "Engineer... Whats your name?" The leader asks. "Valery Roshenko, Kommisar." "Valery, you have to get the report back to Red Line. I have no illusions of surviving this. Get these back to armory and you'll be a hero." The leader hands Valery an envelope. "Yes Kommisar, I wont fail." Velery takes the envelope and stands up. The leader reloads his gun and props himself against the wall. "I'll buy you some time, you have to find a way into the Metro. And don't tell anyone about the plans." Valery just nods and walks further into the building.