Megan frowned, her last name wasn't clarinet. It didn't even sound like it. There was distinct difference between the two, her name wasn't even spelled strangely. Whatever, shrugging she made her way into her dorm, finding it relatively easily. She gave the room a quick once over, finding it to be pleasant. Megan noted the order log but didn't want to waste her options so she decided to save her purchases for later. Since her suitcase was already there she quickly unpacked, changed into nightclothes and after taking one last look around fell into her bed with a sigh of relief. It had been a long day, what with the stuffy bus ride, the exciting opening of her pack and her first duel here. All in all it had been a good day, Megan thought to herself as she feel asleep blissfully. "[b]Blargelsnargh[/b]!" Megan cried out in surprise as she flailed around in response to the glaringly loud noise. As a result of her somewhat incoherent scream she only caught the last end of the announcement which consisted of, "Arena B1 for a... special event?". Yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes Megan quickly dressed in her new uniform, equipped her duel disk and made her way outside. She briefly pondered taking the elevator but decided that she needed to wake up so she took the stairs at a light jog instead. Megan might arrive a little slower than most but at least she'd be awake.