It had only been Isis' third day out in the real world but the ominous news still loomed over everyones head like the smog that clouds Gotham's streets. It was unsettling to say the least, but "for everyone there is an appointed time." She paid her respects in normal American fashion and left it in the past, save for sparks in her memory like this. Now was the time for her to get to know her new teammates and make Superman proud but the arduous training fated for her; she was definitely unprepared. At times she had looked to the heavens and thought her wings a burden. She didn't realize what it meant till restraints were put on them. This was done voluntarily in order to focus her mind, body and balance. She could barely fly on her own; now she felt like a bird with clipped wings. All day she practiced; her only break being to eat and to study. Although she enjoyed literature and she was decent at math, the basic shapes in geometry didn't captivate her. She wished she could have attended school like a normal teenager but working with batman excited her ever since she heard talk of him working on a cloaking device. When she did go out (which was rare), it was only at night when she could go wandering the city without being noticed. The skyscrapers were her advantage; she could duck in and out of the shadows and wasn't discernible. In metropolis, she felt they were more used to unusual beings and tended to avoid causing a scene to avoid trouble. Tonight, Isis felt slightly overwhelmed yet optimistic because she was less than a block away from the alleyway. As she grew closer, a chill ran up her spine. She could tell some of the people gathered were in a league of their own. Catching the end of their leader-to-be's speech, Isis nodded in approval as she moved to suit up but couldn't shake a foreboding feeling.