It wasn’t until she had flipped the 5th page the realization slowly sunk in. This wasn’t the childish Peter Pan’s Blackbeard story. It was a more alternative version that had detailed descriptions of a woman slowly killing a whore crew aboard and saving Blackbeard as her own personal slave. She turned the book to the side to notice the +18 sticker on the back. [i]”Lovely.. This isn’t romance. Someone must’ve put it back on the wrong shelf..”[/i] Hayley was just about to stretch out, throw the book onto the table in front of her and grab a new one when she heard a man’s voice from the hall in front of her. A strange shiver ran down her spine and the fear of having to socialize with a man made her panic slightly. Her sweaty palms quickly held the book tighter and opened it up again. With a sweep she put her finger down on one of the pages to make it look like she was eagerly reading line by line. On top of that she lifted the book up so that their eyes would not meet. If only she knew.. [b]“Hello.”[/b] Hayley murmured. For some odd reason the whole room had turned colder than before. A long silence made her wonder. [i]“Did he leave already?”[/i] Something inside of her shouted not to lower the book to check, but her curiosity called out for her. At first sight she did not see anything, and let her eyes scan the rather small reading room. Slowly, her eyes widened when a tall, young looking man stood in the corner of the room. His clothes were very old-fashioned yet classy. Not daring to look at his face yet, she noticed his pale skin colour as he held up a book. Her stare must’ve lasted at least a few seconds before their eyes met. [b]“Oh..?”[/b][i]”God, those eyes.. But why does he look so ill? It looks like he hasn’t slept in ages..”[/i] She thought, not knowing that might actually be the truth. [b]”Sorry..”[/b] Hayley quickly sat up to take her boots off the couch hide the book she was reading beneath them on the table. After all, she was reading a mature book.. What ought he to think about her now!