[center][h2]Andre Ashriver[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xLTuvPB.jpg[/img] [i]"The pahst ish pahst, wha matters nuw ish who'sh bluud will cuver my Gluvesh nuw"[/i] very muscular with a chest covered in scars, but something one would notice at first glance is a large bulge on his chest where his heart is, that bulge is a Heart Scarab, he appears to be wearing iron gauntlets but these are his hands, He wears sandals [i]Age[/i]: 26 [i]Gender[/i]: Male [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Poor [i]Power Descriptions:[/i] Thanks to the heart scarab whenever he strikes someone he will sent small amount electricity [i]Skills:[/i] Pretty good fisher man. And a trained pugilist [i]Personality:[/i] Passionate is the best way to describe Andre, whatever his current goal you can expect him put his all into it another thing one [i]Biography:[/i] Never talks about as he finds it waste of time "Buh ah can tell yous one thing aboot me pahst my Mum wash an Orc But my Pah wash an Elf" [i]Likes:[/i] Fish Fighting Meat Fishing Dancing Women [i]Dislikes:[/i] Monks Plums Indigo [i]Fears:[/i] The dark "Stup Laughing aht me!!" [i]Weaknesses:[/i] the heart scarab keeps him alive, so if it dies he dies as well [i]Other:[/i] Pretty thick orc accent [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk_6K0e24yQ]"[i]Go Get Your Gun[/i]" by The Dear Hunters[/url] [/center]