I can argue that there truly was a plot I was striving to get to but once more, you are correct as I did not take everyone into consideration as effectively as I could have which costed the roleplay as the result. I will admit that I had donated more time to writing the story rather than giving everyone the involvement they needed to stay hooked. Again, I'm sorry for failing in that field too. However as wishful my own thinking is, I agree that there is little to recover from this thread as it stands. I again apologize for giving a bad performance and experience. Please do not think of it negatively (though you have every right to interpret as such) but I nonetheless appreciate your interest and participation in spite of the many delays and downsides that I have brought up. My only hope is too make it up to you all in the future with something worth your time and does live up to what I had initially intended this first of many roleplays to be.