Raisa hastily pulled her dark green rucksack off as she reached the window, tossing it inside before jumping up herself. Relieved at making it, she pulled herself inside with the thrill of the moment pushing her physical limits, falling forward onto something soft below. Perhaps it was the Major himself who laid old mattresses over the floor? She'd ask him when he was safe! Without checking the room or the nearby hall for contacts, she hopped back up into the window, throwing an arm down for the Major, mutants encircling him as he waited. Further up the street, a demon raced through the air, talons at the ready to peel him off the wall if he wasn't quick about his escape. Without a moment of hesitation he jumped as high as his gear would allow, and his wise choice of companion clasped her hand around his to pull him in, albeit with some difficulty on her end. The demon crashed into the window slit just after the Major fell through, its roar emitting through the whole building as it struggled for its prey. "OOF!" One shot from the stalker's powerful rifle, and the beast recoiled straight back outside again. They were safe. For now. What was that noise just before he fired? "Get off me, damn it!" Raisa complained under the weight of the man and all his equipment. What she needed after that experience was space! The aged soldier chuckled as he pulled himself back to his feet and stretched, giving Raisa some time to recover and pull herself together. They were in a maintenance room, in the back of the apartment building. There was an air vent in this same room they would use to crawl into a service tunnel near Volgogradsky Prospekt, it'd been conveniently mined with machine tools and exposed in the floor by other stalkers. "Let's move when you're ready, the sooner we're in a breathable place the better," the Major said in monotone, calming from the experience rather quickly.