[quote=Mr_pink] But him being alive essentially proves the egyptian gods to be alive, him simply proving that he's anubis would give the humans a sign would give him enough belief to awaken obelisk the tormentor or whatever egyptian god card he wanted [/quote] Really? So, if you saw a man with the head of a jackal, your first reaction would be "Well, this proves that the Ancient Egyptians were right about the gods, All hail Thoth." I was actually thinking that it would kinda work like Ultimate Thor, in that people just think he's a nutter that got his hands on something big. [quote=SIngemeister] The guy who's only skilled at stealth and close-combat, can't into range and has more mental issues than five Bruce Waynes? Also, you're doing some pretty major altering of the game world's general cosmology. As in, probably-should-have-asked-them-separately-in-a-PM major. [/quote] Not altering, expanding. Altering would say that i'm changing a load of what the GM said, Expanding is saying that all that is happening, but other things are also happening. [quote=TaliPaendrag] @Matt:1. As Mr. Pink said, just because it was done in Hellboy doesn't make it something that should be done in a roleplay. Franklin Richards is a character in the Marvel Universe that has the ability to warp reality. That doesn't meant that we should have our characters be able to do that.2. Even subtracting those, it's still eight different powers.3. No, there's a difference. That's essentially saying that a character could develop what would be considered omnipotence, especially considering that the parameters of his magic are ill-defined, unlike a lot of the other characters' powers.And Singe is right on both accounts. The powers don't match up very well, though I do admit that he is a rather lackluster divine most of the time, and including the Egyptian gods is a feat of world building that does make me uncomfortable, though I paid more attention to the character itself first.I do want to stress: But your character doesn't fit the roleplay here. I'm sure he would be great in a different roleplay, but not this one. Sorry. If he was the descendant to a pharaoh and thus had access to and the ability to use magical Egyptian artifacts, like the ones that you mentioned, then that would be a different story. But to say that he is a demi-god/god is stretching it a little too far. [/quote] Alright, maybe next time then.