[hider= Uchiha, Akira] [center] [h2] [color=crimson] [u] [b] Uchiha, Akira [/b] - [i]The Fanged Inferno[/i] [/u] [/color] [/h2] [/center] [center] [img]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m58/ACDCLOVER92/ninjaanime.jpg[/img] [/center] [hider=General Data] [b] [u] Name:[/u] [/b] Uchiha, Akira [i] [u] Nickname/Alias:[/u] [/i] N/A [i] [u] Gender:[/u] [/i] Male [i] [u] Age:[/u] [/i] 15 [b] [u]Village:[/u] [/b] Kyokujitsugakure [i] [u] Birthplace:[/u] [/i] Kyokujitsugakure [b] [u] Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or Hiden):[/u] [/b] Uchiha/ Sharingan [b] [u] Rank:[/u] [/b] D (Genin) [i] [u] Position:[/u] [/i] N/A [i] [u] Chakra Nature:[/u] [/i] Fire Release, Lightning Release, Wind Release [url=] Additional Appearance Details: http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m58/ACDCLOVER92/ninjaanime.jpg[/url] Akira is 5 feet 7 inches tall weighing in at 180. Akira is muscled but lean enough to be stealthy and agile. Typically wears the same style of clothing every day. [b] [u] History: [/u] [/b] Akira was born 5 years before the war ended and witnessed a few things like soldiers headed off to battle. The battered and wounded coming home. Theses things scarred the young boy but he hid that in his training and has since all but forgotten the images. Entering the Academy shortly after the war had ended Akira was a star student helping to make a name for the Uchiha clan as those who fought in the war had done. After Graduation he now spends his life among his friends taking on various missions while awaiting the Chunin Exams. He often enjoys talking with his old teachers and talking to students as they pass giving them advice. one night his favorite teacher suggested that he become a teacher some day and lead a squad of Genin graduates. Akira awoke his full Sharingan while on an escort mission and has loved the slight edge it gives him in battle. Though young Akira has made a name for himself. Right after graduation while on a mission he was goofing off and stabbed a barrel full of a flammable substance. When the mission fell through he used a typical fire style Jutsu as a means of escape and in the process ignited his sword. From then on he became known as the Fanged Inferno because of his new ability to ignite his sword, A jutsu he had begun developing soon after the even with the help of Clan leaders and higher ranked shinobi. He currently lives within the Uchiha Compound developing and refining his new jutsu and abilities all while he hopes to one day train teams of Genin on their way to becoming full shinobi. [b] [u] Personality: [/u] [/b] Akira leans toward light hearted and goofy but he becomes deadly serious when fighting and on missions. His team mates always tease him of this because when they see his eyes they know the enemy is in trouble. He actually earned his title because of his one time genius involving his sword and a tank of flammable fuel. As stated before Akira want to eventually train Genin and be able to help usher in a new generation of shinobi. [URL= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBXz0hO8C1g] Theme: [/url] [/hider] [hider= Equipment] [b] [u] Base Weapons & Items: [/u] [/b] X explosive tags X smoke bombs X kunai X shuriken X wire [b] [u] Specialized Weapons & Items [/u] [/b] [b] Basic Steel Forged Katana[/b] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/8ebf/f/2010/065/a/9/anbu_katana_by_decimalblue.jpg[/img] [b] Description: [/b] A basic steel bladed sword weapon given to Akira just before his graduation. [/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B] [U] Special Traits [/u] [/b] Akira is average speed for a Genin and can take quite a number of hits before faltering. His chakra pool is average but his control of it is excpetional. Using fire style Justsu is typically what Akira uses though he has access to Lightning and Wind styles as well. His primary weakness is his desire to protect and think ahead this leads him to over think which is why he tries to act more on instinct rather than plans much to his teams displeasure. [b] Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hiden/Kekkei Tota: [/b] [i]Sharingan[/i] [b] Clan: [/b] Uchiha [b] Description: [/b] The users Iris and Pupil become red and within the red space the user bears 3 coma shapes in both eyes. Thus allowing the user to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu learn how its done and mimic it. Also can transition into Mangekyou Sharingan form. (Akira does not Posess this ability however) ====================================================================================================================================== [b] [u] Techniques: [/u] [/b] [b] Canon Jutsu [/b] (Forgive me for using the english names) Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu Shadow Clone Jutsu Transformation Jutsu Lightning Style: Lightning Wolf Jutsu Wind Style: Wind Cutter Jutsu [b] Custom Jutsu [/b] [b] Fire Style: Inferno Blade Jutsu [/b] Kasai sutairu: Jigoku kenjutsu [i] fire style: inferno sword jutsu [/i] [b] Type of Jutsu: [/b] Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu [b] Rank: [/b] C [b] Range: [/b] Great lengths farther than the length of his sword which is roughly 2 feet. Effective up to roughly 4-5 feet depending on exertion and chakra levels. [b] Nature Type: [/b] Fire [b] Handseals: [/b] 6 [b] Description: [/b] Akira ignites his blade in searing flames, effectivly extending the reach of the weapon and making it harder to avoid. [b] Weakness: [/b] The blade while having an extended range can't stay lit for extended lengths of time or the blade its self would melt. Also the intensity of the flames is dependant on how many times the blade has been reignited, as well as Akira's chakra levels and emotional state. [b] Name of Technique: [/b] Rekindle [B] Type of Jutsu: [/b] Ninjutsu (I guess) [b] Rank: [/b] D [b] Range: [/b] Line of sight up to 10 feet [b] Nature Type: [/b] Fire [b] Handseals: [/b] as many as needed for the fire technique used previously [b] Descripion: [/b] With a strong Katon chakra nature, Akira is capable of reigniting any object or individual that has been hit in the last few seconds by his sword of his flame techniques with a lesser version of the flame technique already used. [b] Weakness: [/b] The longer he waits between utilizing Rekindle from the initial attack, the weaker Rekindle is. Rekindle cannot be used on Rekindle. (Thanks to Innue for these by the way) [/hider] [/hider]