[center][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/qKCS8Pk.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]Location: Somewhere in the Land of Lightning Time of Day: Late-Evening[/h3][/center] The Land of Lightning was filled with all sorts of shitstains. There were those who liked to rape little children. It didn’t matter which gender they were, s’long as they fit the needs of whomever the sick fuck it was that ordered them. There were also some pieces of shits that dealt in arms dealing - well, not necessarily arms literally, but it was more like the dealings of rare weapons that not even the Five Kage and all of their reach and influence could get their grubby, little hands on. The underground world has a lot of connections, yo. [color=red]“Listen here you mother fucker, you have two options--”[/color] A loud, vulgar-sounding male said. Somewhere, deep in the underground where the most shittiest of the shitstains reside, there was one blonde jounin of the Cloud Village. His name known throughout but none dare speak it in fear of pissing him off even more. They could spot him a mile away due to his trademark red jacket and black pants. He was in a rather run-down tavern called The Whore’s Tit. Very charming name, isn’t it? It’s so charming that a bunch of equally-as-charming fellows inhabit it. Yeah, so fucking charming that guys who would sell their grandma’s pussy for a small score. Some of these guys are the aforementioned sick fucks who fuck little boys and girls like a certain dead King of Pop. These sick fucks make the Blonde jounin who was currently beating the shit out of one of them, look like a fucking squeaky-clean, boy scout. [color=red]“--You can tell me right now and keep your limbs intact or you keep your mouth shut and I play keep away with your body, starting with your toes.” [/color]The voice said once more, keeping whomever he was yelling at on the ground by applying force from his big foot onto the poor sap’s head, [color=red]“so you gonna sing or shall I play the melody of pain for you?”[/color] Beneath his foot — beneath that large boot, was a man who probably wasn’t any older than forty. From what one could see from the distance, the man was probably from the Land of Snow, his white hair represented as such. His clothing was ragged. It had several tears and rips along the arms and legs. Several cuts matched that on his clothing, hinting that the man had gone through a hell of a lot in his time. There was no indication that he was with any village,b ut those in The Whore’s Tit knew of him. His name was Yuki Kazeko, one of the Lieutenants of the biggest Information Brokers of the Land of Lightning known simply as The Knowledge Sage. Word around the Land of Lightning was that anything that had anything of value, knowledge-wise, The Knowledge Sage was the first to know. For a certain unstable blonde Jounin, that was just the person that he wanted to see and the man under his boot was bringing him a step closer. [color=lightblue]“Do you know what he’ll do to me if I squeal?” [/color]Yuki’s rough voice cracked through the pain of his head being squished into the wooden floor. [color=red]“Do I look like I give a fuck what happens to your pretty, white head?” T[/color]he blonde rhetorically asked. [color=lightblue]“No, yo--”[/color] [color=red]“That was rhetorical, you fucktard.”[/color] The blonde jounin said. It was obvious that the blonde was running pretty damn low on patience. If it wasn’t obvious in the tone of his voice each time he had to repeat himself, then it was painfully obvious in the increase of pressure onto Yuki’s head. If there was one thing that anyone could learn from watching the blonde work his magic on Yuki, it was that one should never try the patience of an unstable man - especially one whom in which was nuttier than a squirrel’s mouth when it’s finishing gathering nuts. [color=red]“One last chance,”[/color] the blonde said,[color=red]” do you know where The Knowledge Sage is or not?”[/color] [color=lightblue]“I’m going to die, you know that right?”[/color] [color=red]“Okay, say goodbye to your he--”[/color] Just as the blonde had raised his right leg up, he intended to bring it down hard for one last stomp. However, Yuki spoke just as it was mere inches away from his foot. [color=red]“Yes?”[/color] [color=lightblue]“You want to go to The Rolling Thunder Village.”[/color] [color=red]“That pile of trash? Why there?”[/color] The blonde curiously asked. [color=lightblue]“He’s the leader.”[/color] Yuki said. The blonde smiled, [color=red]“well, you actually came through for me.”[/color] He said, almost sounding happy as he cracked a half-smile. [color=lightblue]“So, I can live?”[/color] Suddenly, the blonde laughed. At first, Yuki joined him, thinking there was some joke in-between the lines that he wasn’t getting, but in fear of his own life, he thought laughing was the only way to secure it. However, as he would soon find out, laughing was the last thing he should’ve done. [color=red]“Hahaha--why are you laughing?”[/color] The blonde asked, taking a handful of Yuki’s snow-white hair, raising him to his feet. The screams of the latter heard throughout The Whore’s Tit tavern. [color=lightblue]“I-I-I”[/color] [color=red]“You-you-you what? Thought I was a joke? You thought something was funny?”[/color] The blonde asked, twisting his grip on Yuki’s hair, causing even more pain than before. [color=lightblue]“I THOUGHT IT WOULD SAVE MY LIFE!”[/color] Yuki shouted, finally getting his words out. The blonde laughed like before. No, not like before. This time was different. It had a psychotic feeling to it, as if the laugh itself was twisting the air just as the blonde jounin had done so with Yuki’s hair. It was as if the laughter from the blonde had created such a bad atmosphere in the tavern that everyone soon got an uneasy feeling of what was about to happen next. Before anyone knew it, Lighting Chakra sparked along Yuki’s body as it flowed through his hair. Each individual spark lit the poor bastard up like a Christmas Tree. Each strand of hair stood up due to the electrical charge and screams of absolute agony. The blonde wouldn’t let up. Even after the poor sap was dead, the blonde kept the charge going, laughing as he did so. It got to the point where the electricity inside the man’s body was so great that the body exploded into several parts, splattering the tavern in blood and guts. As he looked around, everyone avoided eye contact. They were right in doing so. No one - especially after witnessing the destruction of the strongest ninja of the Land of Snow's Absolute Zero Wasteland Duo - would dare approach the Cloud’s Sadistic Psycho, Jaakuna Abiraishi. [color=red]“I’m coming for you, Knowledge Sage..”[/color] As it was with Jaakuna on every mission he went on, he left a trail of blood and guts in his wake. The Raikage might not be so happy when word gets around, but Jaakuna couldn’t give two shits about what he thought. He was solely focused on his personal mission of finding Him and he’d kill anyone who got in his way to do it. And so, Jaakuna was gone to the Rolling Thunder Village to find the Knowledge Sage. Perhaps, when he does find this person, he will get a step closer to finding the one he seeks out.