[hider=Squad 11, 4th Seat - Rekuzan Xero] [center][h2]Rekuzan Xero[/h2] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110723224011/streetfighter/images/f/f9/Guy_(Alt_2).jpg[/img] [h3][color=black][i][b]"Mission Complete. Awaiting my next order..."[/b][/i][/color][/h3] Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 6'01" Weight: 218 Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Amber Birthday: Dec 08 Clan/Family: N/A Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami Rank: 4th Seat Power Level: Seated Spiritual Energy Colour: White Personality: Xero's defining characteristic is his loyalty. The gang-mentality that was birthed into him cemented this trait for life. He puts following orders before anything. He doesn't even question whether they are right or wrong - honestly, he is too well groomed to indifference. Xero is a man that doesn't know himself. When responsibility or authority calls he can act and exist and even flourish above just about anyone; when something requires his own opinion or views he is near enough hopelessly lost and incompetent. He has an aversion to doing his own thing typically because he deems it inappropriate. At the root, Xero is afraid to be his own man and own his own opinions and identity in case those around him do not like who that person is. Xero find common ground with those who show great loyalty - even his sworn enemies of the Seireitei. On the other hand, he has little regard for those who go against orders, either in treachery, rebellion or cowardice, however he holds exception to those who refuse orders to abandon their post or abscond from their leader and will turn a deliberate blind eye to their insubordination. Beneath all of that Xero has a noble conscious. He may not act upon it, but Xero constantly recognises opportunities for altruism, especially for those who are weak, helpless and relatively innocent. His personality is quite hollow in terms of more fickle preferences but it's clear that he enjoys completing tasks and requests set by his superiors and being relied upon by others. When he is useless or rendered useless, Xero has been known to become anxious and desperate in his personality and his usually cool, calm, composed monotonous nature cracks into fear and panic. Xero is quick witted, patient and astute, however Xero is happiest amongst those who give him no time to speak as he believes he doesn't and shouldn't have anything to say. It's a stretch to call him stoic, as he does get mad, happy, upset, depressed, embarrassed and such, but he expresses his emotions with his actions more than his facial expressions or words. Xero can reciprocate humorous banter, but will never be one to start it. When in battle, Xero's words are very matter of fact. He doesn't boast or gloat - when he is talking dismissively or with prejudice against his opponent it's because he genuinely believes what he says to be true. Xero's humility and loyalty make him a very good wingman. He instinctively knows to pay attention to the little details when in the presence of superiors tackling the elephant in the room. He is so reserved about his own personality that he can easily make a sound board for other people to reflect their own interests and ideas off of, making him pragmatic and flexible to a variety of personalities. History: Xero was born to a prostitute and a gang hopper. That's all he ever knew or was told about his beginnings. The prostitute didn't want a child interrupting her affairs, neither did she have any particular inkling as to which particular member of the gang was the one to impregnate he due to her popularity with the gang that ran her territory. It mattered not, as the gang in question instructed their whores to keep the children to term so that they can be used as part of the syndicate and trained within it from birth. "Rekuzan" was the name of the whorehouse he was born in and "Xero" was simply a play on words: The gang was named the "Zero Family", headed by a man who only ever went by the name "Shogun Zero". To state his claim on the bastards his men made frolicking with the prostitutes they owned, all the illegitimate children were given the last name "Xero" to highlight that they belonged to him but did not deserve his actual name. All he was ever taught was the value of loyalty beyond all else. Not to question for oneself, not to think for oneself, but all that one does is for the boss. This was actually a new venture for the Shogun, who felt his gang's numbers were dwindling and the penchant for making kids wantonly kept rising. Xero was valued, but nowhere near loved. He's value only extended as far as his usefulness. With his only goal in life being to have value to his boss, Xero put everything he had into doing so. He learned the ways of the sword. He trained tireless and religiously while those around him indulged and experienced the fruits of the business; money, power, women. It was inevitable that he would rise above the mire. His unquestioning loyalty and diligence won over his boss, who went from simply seeing value in Xero to genuinely having faith in him when he would go one step beyond his 'brothers' and 'sisters' to do as he was commanded. Xero became the Shogun's right hand man and inadvertently became a filter by which the shogun began to esteem the children he indoctrinated to become the perfect soldiers more than the scaliwags and delinquents who originally made up his crew. He consistently saw how Xero and his generation could accomplish things with an impeccable attitude that the 'free-thinking' members did not and suitably began esteeming them for their hard work in similar fashion to the way he esteemed Xero, which only made them more wiling to follow their childhood programming. Seeing the end of the road coming, the vice-boss of the gang staged a mutiny with other disgruntled gang members and a local rival gang who wanted to own the territory and had concerns about how big and strong the Zero gang was getting all of a sudden. Little by little, the rival gang began assassinating the Xeros to whittle their numbers, and even going as far as to kill their prostitutes and women to stop them giving birth to new soldiers and frighten away the ones that survived from being affiliated to the Zero Familia. In a bid to protect the legacy he had built, Shogun Zero prepared his forces for a pre-emptive all out attack on the rival gang to reaffirm the entire territory. Unfortunately, he remained unaware of the coup de-tat and was set up by the other gang and his traitors. The Shogun, his loyal 'free-thinkers' and Rekuzan Xero were cornered at the rival gang's base after finding out too late that the enemy had been sitting in wait for them. Seeing the end was near, the Shogun opened his mouth and with a loud voice gave a final order to all of his underlings that they were free and that they were to leave him and survive him. Unfortunately for the Shogun, the loyal 'free-thinkers' couldn't obey his message due to their emotions, and the Xero's couldn't obey due to their indoctrinated loyalty. His survival superseded anything. They fought bravely, valiantly against the much greater foe. Xero was the only one of the Xero's to survive. He had been rescued by a higher up from the Zero gang when he had been given a mortal wound. The higher up himself was fatally wounded, and brought Xero to a doctor. Xero awoke while the higher up was on his death bed. The higher up accounted the battle, and how they hunted and killed all the remaining Zero members who fled. They were fortunate that the higher up had connections that got him well away from their district. He explained to Xero that as the last remaining members of their gang, he was now the acting head and Xero was the last person able to complete a mission. He instructed that Xero "hunt down and find the architect of the coup and kill him with his own bare hands. Not because I told you to - not because I want you to, but because [i]you[/i] want to. Avenge yourself!" Xero was troubled by this instruction and was unable to act upon it until after the higher up died and Xero had no one around to tell him what to do. In the silence of solace, Xero could hear a faint voice. He would have believed it to be his own, the budding of an inner monologue, but he had a distinct notion of it not being a voice his own mind simply conjured up. It didn't seem to actually say any words... at least not in a language Xero understood, but it seemed to be insisting he do as was instructed and hunt the architect down. He did so, scouring for information on the key traitor. His search lead him to Seireitei, where he found out that his target had joined the ranks of the shinigami. Xero followed in suit, starting in the academy and patiently building his skills to advance into the Gotei 13. Once there, he understood the target was yet again out of reach, seated within the Eleventh division. Xero walked in to the moshh pit of blood, battle, gore and glory that was division Eleven and finally found the man he was looking for - the acting 4th seat. Xero waited until he was strong enough to lawfully kill him under Division 11 rules - a direct, confrontational, battle to the death. Xero avenged his family and caught himself breathing a sigh of relief when the former 4th seat of the 11th division fell to his blade. In that breath, Xero stopped to think and look around. Realising it had been over 50 years since his family had been assassinated, he was in the midst of the Seireitei as one of their shinigami and had just inadvertently become the next 4th seat of the 11th division. He had no more motive, purpose or orders to follow. Not from the gang. Not anymore. In that moment, Xero shed his attachment to the gang, suppressing all of the memories regarding them to a deep dark corner of his mind, replacing it with the Seireitei and continuing on his life as a loyal dog to the Shinigami cause instead. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Shogun Zero - The former boss and father-figure of Xero's life. A man who showed him a fairly warped and twisted means of love, if still a positive one, from which Xero based his incessant need for orders and instruction. Other: - Byakuya - Kenpachi ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Légion (pronounced "Leh-Jee-Onn") Type: Ki-Manipulation/Ki-Distortion Shikai Release command: Empty, Legion Bankai Release command: N/A Spirit Appearance [hider=Légion][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/images/i/2002/43/9/4/Silhouette_cliche_1.jpg[/img][/hider] Legion's spirit appearance is symbolic of Xero's own emptiness and forced monotony. He has no particular voice or face, no matter how illuminated; he will always appear as a silhouette. Inner world: [hider=Légion][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/231/7/0/dusk_by_mr__jack-d5bo1bd.jpg[/img][/hider] Xero's inner world reflects his mind-state. There is nothing for miles barring a singular motorway light with street lights that stretches on for eternity, symbolising that Xero has given no thoughts for anything other than what has been laid out before him, nonetheless, he has so much capacity to go off-road and think, explore and build. Sealed appearance: [hider=Sealed][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/244/a/8/kitakaze___sealed_full_view_by_ryuseimaru-d2xrmkt.jpg[/img][/hider] Shikai appearance: The same as sealed Bankai appearance: TBR Shikai skills: 1. [b]"Seishin Shifuto"[/b] [Spirit Shift] - 5 post duration, 10 post cooldown - Xero will stab the target in the heart in a passing lunge. The poke distorts what the mind feels as pain and what the 'heart' feels as fatigue. In the mind, the user will register lost reiryoku as if it were physical pain. The amount of pain they feel will depend on how empty (as a percentage of their total when full) they are of reiryoku. Additionally, the moment this skill is successfully used, the target will be 'caught up' by this phantom pain for the lost percentage of reiryoku in a single instant, similar to feeling all the strikes from an actual fight all at once. That moment can cause the target to flinch as well as raise hesitation as they use their spiritual energy, since each use of reiryoku from then on will make them feel pain. While this skill is in effect, it is possible for the target to pass out or faint from the phantom pain of energy loss without actually being hurt. 2. [b]Iemo-pi [EMP][/b] - 3 post duration, 5 post cooldown - Xero will launch a spirit wave attack. If it hits a being with spiritual energy, their next use of spiritual energy will backfire. If it hits a spiritual being, the next reiryoku attack from their bodies or skill will either hurt them if it's intended to attack someone else or hamper them if it was supposed to support them by the same extent they expected it to work for them. If it hits a zanpakuto or other 'item' of spiritual energy, then the next reiryoku attack using or channelling through that item will backfire in the same way. 3. [b]"Kiai-katta"[/b] [Spritual Pressure Cutter] - 5 post cooldown - Xero makes a revolving cut, able to cut into reiryoku-based attacks as if they were tangible objects. Whether elements, waves or even vibrations, Xero can physically cut them or stop them with his zanpakuto. If he uses the back or flat of his blade, he can parry or deflect them rather than cut them. Bankai skills: N/A Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: - [b]"Tamashī Hasai"[/b] [Soul Crusher] - 5 post cooldown - Xero will slash across his target in a dash. The attack doesn't injure the target physically. Rather than any blood splatter, the splatter will be in the colour of their spiritual pressure colour, which will also fade less than a full second after being successfully struck. The target will feel no actual pain from the attack, even if they feel the force, the coldness of the blade or the invasion of the edge in their body. This attack doesn't not harm the physical body, but literally cuts into the spiritual power of the target, dispelling a chunk of it into the air. Unless they have some prior or external knowledge of this attack they will not be able to sense that he is bleeding them of reiryoku. - [b]"Seishin no Uta"[/b] [Song of The Spirit Ki] - 7 post cooldown - Xero will stab the target with his zanpakuto and then while holding the hilt with one hand, the other hand will grip the biceps of the sword wielding arm. Xero will dispel an equal amount of reiatsu from both he and the stabbed target. Naturally he can't dispel more than he or the opponent has left. Skills [u][b]Zanjutsu Master (Captain Level)[/b][/u] Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Hozan Kenbu Ryodan Senmaioroshi Suikawari Agitowari Onibi Hitotsume: Nadegiri [u][b]Kido[/b][/u] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi #20 Hakufuku #21 Sekienton #22 Inemuri #26 Kyokko #27 Tanma Otoshi #28 Shibireyubi #30 Shitotsu Sansen #37 Tsuriboshi #39 Enkosen #58 Kakushitsuijaku #1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui #34 Kongobaku #40 Gaki Rekko [u][b]Hakuda[/b][/u] Tessho Super Harisen Slipper Tsukiyubi Chohigezutsuki Kazaguruma Panchira Torunedo Gatoringu Jidanda Sandobaggu Bito Kagamibiraki Oni Dekopin [u][b]Hoho Practioner (Seated Level)[/b][/u] Shunpo Total points gained: 0 Total Points Spent: 0 Mission log: (List here any training, Sparring or missions you have done and how many points you earned) Points spent and skills gained: (Here you list what your points were spent on) [/center][/hider]