[i] Oh, how I love this group already! [/i] [@SepticGentleman] [i]Lovely character profile! I laughed when I read "stunted girl at 5ft 1" as I AM THAT HEIGHT. Hahahah. Excited to have you aboard, Post your character sheet in the bin when you're ready. Oh, and to answer your other question; expect the unexpected ;) [/i] [@Augmented] [i] Hooray! Someone picked up a police role (: Welcome aboard, put your character in the bin when ready! [/i] [@MiddleEarthRoze] [i] Oh the poor soul :c What a backstory. Always a pleasure to have you Roze. Plop him in the character bin. [/i] [hr] [i] I plan to start this role play relatively soon here, perhaps tonight or tomorrow. Since the first "day" in role play will be an evening before the actual events that still leaves a bit of time for anyone else would would like to join the role play. After the 30 days begins, I don't think I will accept anymore people unless you are already a monster transformed coming in. Please note I'm a very active person so you can always come to me for questions, concerns, compliments, etc. :gray I'm relatively harmless too- so if you have thoughts you'd like to share, please share them! I want this roleplay to be OUR creation, and I want us to have a good time with one another (: Thanks guys! [/i]