[I]'At least it's working... Have to note this for later.'[/I] Matthew thought to himself, not realizing that he had grown accustomed to not speaking whatsoever. He only realized what he was doing when he noticed her staring, perhaps judging him. Forming an opinion? It was all fine with him. His expression remained the same as she apologized, "It's not an issue. It's actually been awhile since anybody has passed me even a glance." He explained, knowing he probably didn't make much sense. Making sensible conversation would perhaps be a tad more difficult than he thought. He took a moment to think about a topic that might go well with her. Books? That was one. Though he wasn't sure about how to converse about Blackbeard. He didn't even know there was a romance novel based on that... He tugged on his scarf a little, thinking for a moment before continuing. "Sorry. I tend to say odd things at times, feel free to ignore it." He held the book close, still unsure of what it even was. "Are you fond of this Library as well? I have a lot of memories here, ones that span back pretty far. A lot of things have happened here, special things, wonderful things. It has a rich history... I suppose you could say it has a special place in my heart." Of course, he didn't have a heart. But she honestly didn't need to know that, right? Kids these days didn't care as much about details, did they? He didn't think so, from some of the ones he had seen. There were always people who surprised him, though. "I'm sorry, I don't talk to people much, I sometimes ramble on about unimportant things. It's a fault of mine, I suppose." He tilted his head slightly, looking back at her curiously. He forgot how nice it was to just speak to somebody, he appreciated the conversation more than was probably sensible.