Raisa nodded at the Major, finally ready to continue. The last leg of their journey would be underground, fortunately. The darkness and lack of changing environment would make her feel far safer. The stalker nodded, and stepped down into the busted-open floor, placing a foot in the vent. It wasn't a metallic ringing because of the vents being surrounded by thick concrete. But there was a sound akin to that at the same time. The hallway. He lifted the rifle to aim at an entering intruder, but whoever it was seemed smart enough to stay outside. Raisa raised her weapon to the door, flexing her fingers on the AK's foregrip. They weren't safe yet... The old man said to call out contacts, but she figured he got the idea by now. Instinctively she moved into the corner of the room, whilst the Major took up the role of 'negotiator'. With no indication to drop her guard, Raisa's aim was rested on the door. "Identify," the Major ordered calmly. He seemed awfully collected to say about two minutes earlier he'd more or less said 'kill anyone on sight'. "I am an independent stalker. Heading to Volgogradsky Prospekt. I have a friend in here with me. We're not looking to fuck this up now that we're so close to the metro. Are you?" Raisa raised a brow at the old stalker's chat with.. well, whatever or whoever was in the hall. She could bail right now, but the man was right. After all that crazy on the surface, it'd be a shame to end this in bloodshed. Human blood, that is.