The mystical presence that Strange had felt earlier had passed. The fire in the corner of his eye approaching the park was no longer there either. The weeds and vines were becoming harder and harder to hover through for the good doctor, and the grey rock man finally connected throwing a piece of debris at the young hero/healer. The testosterone in the Thing began to increase, his cockiness could almost be seen through his rocky hide. He ran up with another kick to the doctor's mid section sending him flying back out of the park and into the downtown ghettos of Nueva York. One super leap and a few footsteps and the Thing was right back on his footsteps. "I don't know how much more I can take this..." Strange thought. [b]Across town, in the mid-level apartment of Dane...[/b] Miguel O'Hara finally woke. It didn't take him long to figure out where he was. Dane, or 'Strange' as Spiderman knew him, was out. His mail was on a counter as well as a photo ID. Miguel's suit was in the laundry room of his ally. "The last thing I remember... those 'heroes' from Alchemax coming after me... how long have I been out?" Spiderman thought now in costume, "There's no reason to stay here any longer, I need to get home, check in with my boss at Alchemax and figure out a reasonable excuse so I don't get fired. Even though I can't stand the place it pays the rent..." Swinging out of the apartment once some Public Eye flying by passed, Spiderman thwipped and flung around the city for a few blocks stretching and getting loose. He'd been in that bed for too long. It wasn't long before he'd passed some crazy man driving an older model van with wheels rather than hover tech. Looked like he was wearing a skull on his shirt, at least that's what Spidey thought. That's when the android of Alchemax, the Vision of 2099, phased through a wall approaching the web-slinger. Too bad he didn't have Spider Sense like the Spiderman of the Heroic Age. [b]Back outside of Central Park...[/b] "Get up punk, gotta keep you's alive for my bosses. You gotta tell them how your magic staff or whatever ya call it works..." said the Thing standing over the fallen and beaten body of Strange. ~KL~