Alright, so I'm interested in this RP, if mildly apprehensive about joining. Before anything else, I'd say don't allow Saiyan characters, just in case somebody decides they want to start with SSj777 unlocked for a power increase that lets them annihilate planets just by being in their proximity... that's an extreme example, of course, but I assume you want to keep the actual power of the characters in this RP relatively low, and considering that a character with 0.0035% of a brand-new Super Saiyan's power (Frieza's 530,000 PL, compared to Goku's estimated 150,000,000) can casually destroy planets with presumably many times more mass than Earth in a single attack, it's safe to assume Saiyans are probably not needed or desirable. Speaking of Frieza, I had an idea for a player race: Arcosians, a.k.a. that one race that fanon has pegged as Frieza's race. Obviously, Frieza and his close relatives would be mutants of absurd power compared to the average Arcosian; if you, the players and GM, would like me to go over my ideas for the Arcosian race in this RP, if indeed they would be allowed at all, just say so, and I'll write up what I had in mind tomorrow. Because it is really, really late for me at the time of writing this, and I don't want to mess it up by being sleep-deprived.