[quote=Lost Cause] I hope you don't mind if I do take it as an insult that something that was professionally diagnosed and that I was bullied for for over ten years is apparently just something I came up with based on a bit of internet reading.But yeah, the concept of "Dragon Blood" on its own violates canon on so many levels it isn't even funny, and that's before we get into the idea that there is conveniently a humanoid dragon in the upper reaches of her family tree. [/quote] I guess I should have expected for you to take it too personally. Well, not like I care, it's the internet after all. I realize that by saying this you'll probably be further insulted, but considering we don't seem to have a good chemistry you and I, I know I'm pretty much out of here anyways. Just so you know, you weren't the only one who had problems with who you were when you were a kid. Still, I would just like to point out that Hagrid in the cannon has giant blood and this is told to give him some amount of spell resistance, so the concept isn't flawed in itself, magic resistance is a thing. As for dragon blood, of course the concept is ridiculous, outlandish, impossible even. That actually is the point. I am not saying it is the truth, in fact, I'll say it right now, the truth is probably much less glamorous than that and everyone can guess it is a big lie, but it would still be a family value, heirloom, legend. I won't go further into detail since your idea is already set in stone and since you dislike me due to my earlier faux pas I know you won't change your mind. [quote=Lost Cause] Also,Sue-ism isn't just found in characters who are overly perfect. It also occurs in characters where the author has gone too far to try and make them "special" or "unique". [/quote] Which is a matter of opinion, again, I won't bother trying to change your mind, plenty of other RPs around. Well, glad I warned you there were other interested and I bothered to contact you, if only to be rebuked and suffer from your angst, again, sorry but I find no other way to describe you taking a comment on the internet that did not aim to be offensive as offensive. Have fun guys!