John had been driving for just over five minutes before hearing yet another strange noise coming from outside but this didn't sound like car troubles, no, this was the sound of flesh clashing against metal. Quickly slamming on the brakes, Brooks opened the door of the car to check behind as to wether he had unintentionally hit some one with the barbaric van, only to see the true cause being some flying android assaulting the iconic hero Spiderman. Punisher smirked a bit, half because he was glad to see the hero was still alive and kicking and half because this Duden occurrence meant John would get to test his mettle against, what he now presumed to be, an Alchemax Avenger [i]'this is gonna be a lot better than just smacking around some punks'[/i] John thought. With a quick draw that would put Clint Eastwood to shame, John took out his stolen gun and began to fire off rounds at the Alchemax Avenger in the hopes of either brining it down or at least distracting it long enough for Spiderman to gain his composure and help out.