Metosi admired the Argonian's discipline. Those Nords could very well be trouble if they returned. The Dark Elf stretched almost like a cat for a moment before addressing Ka-Vara and Qa'Ra. "Shinon has half of the right idea, I plan to head to bed as well. Hopefully, not alone." Winking at his companion, he left the room and went back to the counter and bartender. "It's getting late sweetheart, wouldn't you like to.. go to bed?" Then he remembered Qa'Ra's request. "But before that, could you send one of your waitresses into that side-room? My companion is positively parched." He wore a charming smile and had a twinkle in his eye as he gazed at the bartender. Action: Once again, attempt to seduce the bartender and ask for service for Qa'Ra and Ka-Vara.