[center][h3][b]Mizukage’s Office Mitsunari Takeda & Kyoko Hyakune,[/b][/h3][/center] Laughing was heard from the streets below as Mitsunari made his way through them, on his way to the Mizukage’s office. The Legendary Narcissist had his own little world, he thought it a pity no one else could ever see it. [color=gold]“Hehehe. I’ll get a chance to show what the Takeda Clan is made of soon enough. War’s about wrapped up, it looks like, and we’ll have a genjutsu user as the Mizukage soon enough. That’ll show those idiots who laughed at me and my clan. [i]Oh, you’re useless, you can only do illusions.[/i], Heh, I-”[/color] His monologue continued as he made his way through the kage’s office, until he approached the door. He quieted himself as he knocked. [color=gold]“Lady Kyoko, it is I, Takeda.”[/color] The state of the city of Kirigakure was not one fit for laughing within, despite the lack of physical damage, but Mitsunari had never really been one to obey anyone’s conventions except his own. Kyoko had kept an eye on the Takeda clan’s singular member for her duration in Kirigakure, primarily because he was a technically able shinobi, but also out of a deeper curiosity to study another who specialised in genjutsu. Users of the art of genjutsu were not particularly common in the first place, but any who could walk around as he did in a war-torn village and openly display his allegiance as he no-doubt would was someone to study at the very least. Kyoko had heard the man’s little monologue from down the hall, and though she had raised an eyebrow listening to the chatter it was set in its usual position as he opened the doors and walked through. His introduction was brief but narcissistic - something she had expected already if what she had picked up was to be believed - and it served its purpose well enough. [color=7ea7d8]“Welcome to my office, Mitsunari. What is it that I can do for you, today?”[/color] Mitsunari smirked as he entered the office, looking at Kyoko. She didn’t seem scratched at all, and he hadn’t heard any bad news, good enough proof for him how the meeting had gone. His eyes were tired, but he was as full of energy as he had ever been. As he talked, his hands seemed to move as much as his lips, it was a peculiar habit of his. He was full of oddities. [color=gold]“Well, I heard the good news that you had met with a foreign power. You aren’t dead, so I am guessing it went well. I have to admit, I’m rather curious about the details, this is a big moment for the Hidden Mist afterall. I like to keep myself informed, and useful for the Hidden Mist. Beyond that, well, I’m not one to sit still too well, especially when others are making a big name for themselves. Though I suppose a genjutsu master like yourself is as good as any other to do so. What’s the next stage, and where do I fit in?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Unlike many of the members of Kirigakure, I grew up in the Land of Fire. Admittedly, the Hyakune are not known for their adherence to external politics, but I was always fascinated by the Kyokujitsu no Tochi. I had met with several members of the village in my time growing up within the Land of Fire, and I had always wondered how they were so happy. Happiness was not common among the Hyakune, and even less common among those whose only talent is genjutsu - that you can relate to, I am sure.”[/color] Kyoko began, pulling out a file from the drawers in the desk. It contained a brief summary of the results of the meeting with Kyokujitsu no Tochi’s ambassadors, and contained a seal that would burn it to ashes as soon as it left Kyoko’s aura of chakra. With a simple gesture she invited Mitsunari to come take the paper and read it. [color=7ea7d8]“They are good people. I do not say that because I require their aid, or because it is a politically prudent thing to do - I say that because they are legitimately good people. I am sure that Ayameko has her own motives, past struggles, perhaps, but they want to help rebuild this nation because the Land of Water requires this stability. People are starving, people are dying, and this “People’s Brotherhood” are opportunists that individually seek dominion over the various areas in Kirigakure and the Land of Water as a whole. They may claim to stop skirmishes, but I have not seen any of the results that those legitimately trying to help would provide. I have no doubt that they believe their ideology, but you and I both intimately know the consequences of belief.” [/color] Kyoko stood up and moved from the desk, placing the chair neatly back into its position, and walked to the front of the desk to get a better look at the map of the Land of Water pinned on the wall. She pointed at several problem areas before continuing to speak. [color=7ea7d8]“I know for a fact that in the past hour at least seventy people have died in each of those areas, be it from banditry or from sickness. Be it from starvation or circumstance. That is why I requested the aid of Kyokujitsu no Tochi - because the assistance that they offer will prevent these needless deaths. We can hold polls later, we can decide on who exactly is worthy to sit in this office and decide how this country is run… But one thing is very, very clear: If Kirigakure does not get a leader who cares for its people, devastation will ensue. If this means handing the territory over to Sankage Ayameko, I will happily do so to ensure that people do not die because this so-called “People’s Brotherhood” do not understand the issues that really plague this land.”[/color] Perhaps the legendary narcissist did not listen to Kyoko’s speech, perhaps he did and didn’t care. It needed to be said, and following the necessary actions was simply a part of assuming leadership - it simply happened that talking was something Kyoko was extremely proficient at. Mitsunari happily picked up the file, being in the know was something he did enjoy. He read as he listened to Kyoko talk, somewhat emotional about the topic. That was an interesting note. [color=gold]“Ah, the consequence of belief. Heh, I believe that that is our trade, if it wasn’t a strong thing, I don’t think we would’ve made it. Not sure what’s so depressing having it, we live and fight our dreams. To make dreams become reality, the art of a genjutsu master.”[/color] His hand at one point ended up on his sealed sword, reassuredly during his talk. He then uncharacteristically let out a tired sigh. Normally he put the energizer bunny to shame. [color=gold]“I’d rather the war was over soon though, I'd rather my mother lived somewhere safer, wouldn’t do for a Takeda to live like that. For me, the city’s the same one way or the other. I’m good at making ‘friends’ out of people who’d be uncouth enough to attack a Takeda. I don’t see this war lasting too much longer though. Everyone’s growing tired of it. The most bloodthirsty have already killed each other off, leaves people like me. Wonder what that’ll make the Mist look like after this?”[/color] Closest Mitsunari would come to admitting he was a yellow-bellied coward as a ninja. Glory seeker? Yes. Best thing to happen to Earth ever? Also yes. Liked danger and fighting? Not so much. [color=gold]“ I think somebody besides another country could run it though, maybe a genjutsu master of unparalleled power.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Nobody should want this war to continue. I’m sure you’ve heard the sayings, heard the stories: War is hell.”[/color] Kyoko replied, sighing as she continued to stare at the map. She was not a native of the Land of Water, and nor did she have interest in assuming power. She sought only to do what duty demanded of her, and what she thought was right. Perhaps the Takeda was correct in thinking that Kyoko was the best person to govern the village hidden in the Mist - or perhaps he was completely and utterly wrong. She could decide her position on the matter in the future. [color=7ea7d8]“Your mother is in the slums? If you wish, I will have her moved into a more secure residence - be it here or in another land. You have only but to ask for succour and I will deliver it to the best of my ability. That is precisely what I am here to do - to provide succour to those who require it the most.”[/color] Satisfied that Mitsunari had read enough of the paper, Kyoko walked over to the other side of the room. The paper would crumble to ashes in his hands as soon as she stepped past her desk, and she collected another stack of papers that Akaritori had managed to sort out for her. Despite the fact she was possibly the most competent swordswoman she had ever seen, Kyoko was most awed by the fact that her talent and drive for completing paperwork outshone even her skill with a blade - she had done the equivalent of six months’ paperwork in just under two days, and had even constructed a makeshift filing system for Kyoko to access it. Taking a sheet of paper from a tray labelled “War Efforts”, Kyoko moved to hand the paper over to Mitsunari. [color=7ea7d8]“Give this to the guards in the city when you have collected your mother, and I will contact Sankage Ayameko asking her to harbour your mother and any other family members you might have for the duration of the hostilities within Kirigakure’s conflicts. I do not trust the People’s Brotherhood to not attack the capital if their ideals do not gain political traction, and if an evacuation order must be issued it is the least I can do to support those who would support peace.”[/color] Mitsunari’s eyebrow raised as the paper crumbled. [color=gold]“Doesn’t that defeat the-?”[/color] He shook his head, he could pull his own memories if needed. He liked to be in the know. He couldn’t figure out what was the point of handing him the paper though. He took the other paper as well, eyeing it suspiciously, as if it was going to crumble as well. [color=gold]“Alright, in any case, I think I have an idea of what’s going on. I think I know the best place to make new friends from. Just being in the know I suppose is good enough. There is a war, there’s tons of things to do. Anything in particular I can be of help with before I grace the rest of the Mist with my presence.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Do not mistake my desire for peace for a reluctance of war. Intrigue is the greatest asset we have, and I would have you collect what you can from those affiliated with the People’s Brotherhood. Their anonymity is a tool, something to be used to their advantage, and we are going to turn it against them. Find the names of this ‘Strategist of Heaven’s’ subordinates - but do not so much as shed a single drop of blood, be it yours or the enemy’s. I will also require a vial of your blood. Immediately.” [/color] Mitsunari turned, lifting up his sealed sword as she spoke about not spilling a drop of blood. It was his way of life, then he looked nervously as she asked for a drop of his blood. He cringed at it, the thought of his blood making him uneasy. He leaned against the bookcase, oddly still. Narcissist or not, he fit the role of pansy pretty well. He took a moment thinking of something witty. [color=gold]“Uh…. I’ll follow the first order, not a drop of blood, as per the orders of my superior.”[/color] He took off, adding to the end of it. [color=gold]“Not because of a fear of getting poked or anything like that. I’ll go deliver this.”[/color] His cape rustled as he took off. [color=7ea7d8]“This is for your own benefit, and is mandatory if you wish to leave these walls with your head.”[/color] Kyoko offered, stepping forward with the intention of using Genjutsu to secure the world’s most afraid narcissist while she performed the tasks she needed to to ensure the protection of those working under her cause. It would only take a couple of steps before Mitsunari was within her aura once more, and the process would be both quick and painless if he either willingly consented or succumbed to genjutsu. Mitsunari fell over in the hallway, seemingly too easy. [i]Demonic Illusion: False Hit [/i] Another chakra would pop up on Kyoko’s field however, where the bookcase was, another Mitsunari appeared in it’s stead. He crept quickly out the door, hoping to get out the office without notice, not knowing about her chakra field. In the hallway, he saw another shinobi, Akaritori stood with sword drawn, and about froze like a deer in the headlights. He stood up straight as if nothing was the problem, though he knew his little attempt was over. He was willing to bet that wouldn’t work twice, and there wasn’t the space or range to do it anyways. On top of it, Akaritori wasn’t exactly a genin. Akaritori’s intense gaze could not be seen from beneath her goggles, but as she started to pace towards him she expected him to stop and retreat - she had been told to not allow anyone out of the building until she was specifically told to by the stand-in Mizukage, and Mitsunari was in violation of those rules. Akaritori did not have time for those who violated the rules. [color=gold]“[sub]Why can’t anything ever be easy…. I mean, …[/sub], uh, I was just drawn the beauty of these flowers outside the office? I was just, haha, talking to Lady Kyoko about them. I’ll be back.” [/color] He awkwardly picked one up for emphasis infront of Akaritori, stuffing it in his cape then turned back, his cape rustling as he went, his hand moving in them, and he walked back into the office, eyeing Kyoko. [color=gold]“On second thought, I’ll follow your second order instead, and I’ll opt to give a vial of blood as you requested.”[/color] He then swiftly pulled out a kunai, and slashed across his cape, where his arm was, red coming out of it, chakra with it. Watching Mitsunari cut himself, Kyoko visibly facepalmed as best as she could while wearing a veil before walking towards the terrified shinobi with a glass vial in hand. [color=7ea7d8]“I was going to give you a seal that allows you to draw blood for summoning techniques without pain or breaking your skin, but the cut will suffice for my purposes. I suggest mastering your fear if you wish to become truly adept in the arts of genjutsu.” [/color]Kyoko pointed out, her voice dry, and collected the blood she required. She would inform him that it was for a technique allowing her to summon him should she require him, or if he was in danger, if he asked what the blood was for, but she did not expect him to be asking any more questions in this visit other than “can I leave now?”. Mitsunari’s let out an exasperated sigh. [color=gold]“That’s all you have to do!? Oh. Okay. I wouldn’t say I’m as skilled in genjutsu as much as I am in illusions. I’ll take that seal then.That might not be good blood. Maybe it’s contaminated, from the kunai or something, I’m sure the seal is much safer.Take my other arm.”[/color] [i] and less troublesome? I wish I knew that in the first place.[/i] He extended his other arm for it, and asked the inevitable question of “what’s it for?” Followed by “anything else?”, “Can you tell Akaritori to sheathe her sword by the way?” Mitsunari had probably made himself look like an idiot, but oh well. Wasn’t like it was a public display, just Lady Kyoko and scary woman. It was the masses he needed to look good for. [color=7ea7d8]“If you are in danger, I will be able to summon you to ensure that you are safe. It is quite simple. Akaritori, my guest is free to leave.”[/color] Kyoko called out, waving a hand to dismiss Mitsunari. She would have need of his services again soon, she was sure, but at the last moment she stopped and turned to face him once more while he was still within range of her aura. [color=7ea7d8]“Shosai no Kogeru.”[/color] Kyoko spoke, and there would be very little the other genjutsu user could do to resist her overwhelming influence within her aura. Her work was simple - he would forget the contents of the report (or that he had even read the report) and that she had cast the genjutsu on him until she removed the mental blocks. [color=7ea7d8]“I hope you have a good day, Mitsunari, and that you keep your mother safe. Please, take her to Kyokujitsu no Tochi until this war is over.”[/color]