[quote=@Dblade26] Oh my God considering this Deadpool's relationship with Slade, President Slade would be HILARIOUS! *Deadpool breaks out from the Task Force X facility* "WILSON! WILSON WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" "Duh I'm a ninja, I'm gonna go do what any good ninja would do!... I'M GONNA GO KIDNAP THE PRESIDENT! AND NOBODY'S A BAD ENOUGH DUDE TO STOP ME!" *Later, having somehow snuck onto Airforce One dressed as a female flight attendant* "'Sup bro? Hope you already got your complimentary peanuts, 'cause I'm suspending in-flight services!" and then it turns out it was just his idea of spending quality time with family. [/quote] ... Yeah, dodged a real bullet there.