[@Regendorf] Action: None No roll necessary. [@rush99999] Actions: Agree with the rest of the party. No roll necessary. [@Eklispe] Action: Ask for room location/number and go to sleep. No roll necessary. [@WittyWolf] Action: Once again, attempt to seduce the bartender and ask for service for Qa'Ra and Ka-Vara. Charm check required: (2 [color=39b54a]green[/color] VS 1 [color=662d91]purple[/color]) = [u]s[/u] = Success ------------------- Shinon was led to his room by one of the barmaids who then closed the door behind her as she left him to rest. Meanwhile the barmaid nedded, sent one of the other barmaids to tend to Metosi's companions. She smiled and leaned across the bar table "That all depends," she replied, "If it is true what they say about dark elves." The barmaid delivered Ka-Vara and Qa'Ra their drinks. They spent a few more hours drinking and conversing until sleep took them as well... The next morning the companions stood outside of the Dead Man's Drink felling well rested and refreshed. In the early morning light the town was starting to come back to life. As the companions checked there gear, The bartender walked up to Metosi and touched his arm. "Have a safe journey, and remember next time you are in Falkreath to ask for Narri." She shot a wink at him and returned back inside of the tavern.