[img]http://i.imgur.com/zSsKOVd.png[/img] [h3]Tamera Murakami[/h3] { Squad 1 Quarters - Head Captain's Office } The lone sound of a pen scribbling down was the only sign of life within the Head Captain's office. The sun was now rising, Tamera rubbing her eyes as she gazed over to the dawn. She let out a soft sigh, placing down her pen as she rubbed her hands [color=yellow]"My brittle bones are far too old to be writing all night"[/color] She said, now rubbing her heavy eyes with large bags. She had been working so diligently that she didn't even noticed that the sun had fallen and risen by now. She pushed her seat back and stood up, holding her back with her left hand as she walked over to the railing looking over the entirety of the Seireitei and beyond. She chuckled, the sun's radiance filling life in her wrinkly skin [color=yellow]"Ah, how long has it been since I've taken the time to enjoy such a beautiful sunrise."[/color] One by one, she cracked her fingers to make them feel more limber for more work. She looked back, an unamused and tired expression on her face [color=yellow]"...or...I could pay one of my dear daughters. Hup!"[/color] She made a small leap, gently stepping on the railing and taking another step forward. She instantly fell downwards, plumetting to the ground below with increasing speeds. With the swipe of a hand, the hard ground shifted and changed its density to match that of water. A group of shinigamis were walking back, sweeping up and preparing their Squad for the day when suddenly a blur fell into the ground behind them. They all jumped up and turned around in surprise, their brooms shaking along with their hands. Suddenly, an old lady was shot out like a cannon from the ground not too far from them. One of the men was still clearly confused while the other just let out a chuckle and continued his rounds "Don't worry, it's the Head Captain going out for her daily stroll" The other one watched, the elder lady already a speck in the distance "That's a stroll?" Head Captain Murakami skipped across the building tops like they were mere stepping stones. Her hands were behind her back as she moved like lightning, still pondering on which of her daughters she would visit. She couldn't help but let out a sinister chuckle [color=yellow]"Fuyu will be mad that I'm not in my office...but then again, when isn't she mad ohohoho~"[/color] She said with her signature sinister laugh. [color=yellow]"I have that find that lady a suitor soon~ Hmm, maybe another Captain will suffice"[/color] She chuckled again, her locations of visit expanding even more.