[hider=The Mask that is Worn][center][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/1041/i/2010/082/1/a/strange_girl_by_blueboy777.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Kara takes on the appearance of a young European girl, presumably British, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has a weird tattoo or marking on her face that can't generally be described as anything important but it gives off an eerie feeling when you stare at it too much, like it is moving. She stands at 5'9 while weighting around 140 lbs and often is wearing a simple dress, nothing too fancy but neither plain.[/i][/hider] [b]Name[/b]: [i]Nepthlothgor[/i] [b]Alias[/b]: [i]Kara Murray[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [i]Female[/i] [b]Parent[/b]: [i]Barely could be identified as Chtulhu or one of the Great Old Ones[/i] [b]Age[/b]: [i]24[/i] [b]Serial Number for prison[/b]: [i]00101001[/i] [b]Powers[/b]: [i]She has displayed overwhelming powers of telepathy and easily destroyed unprotected minds or subtle ones like completely evading ones senses making them unable to perceive her and she has even proven to predict events happening up to an hour in the future accurately before. While not doing anything her mere presence alone hallucinates mortals and makes the insane. Her effect on gods and their children have proven to be weakened thanks to their divine blood, as her presence is only perceived by them as an eerie feeling in the room. While her ability to corrupt them is slowed due to their divinity, insanity is the only thing that awaits those who stick to close to her.[/i] [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Kara has displayed impressive skill in art in her own twisted and distorted ways, while not being much of a skill, she also is great at being invisible naturally along with her powers making her near undetectable normally without her powers. Atop of her skills of being invisible, she has great kinetic vision, as she easily maneuvers around people.[/i] [b]Job[/b]: [i]A traveling fortune-teller, one who peers into the void with no fear and foresaw many things in the lives of those who came to her. She also was not captured by the orchestrators of Project: Myth, instead she simply 'appeared' in her cell on day. What she plans doing here, nobody knows.[/i] [b]Background[/b]: [i]Kara was born in the darkness and raised in a cult, she was their queen and ruler who they followed at her every whim. Her powers were potent and untamed easily killing her followers but they only grew more obsessed. In a attempt to teacher their goddess to become even more powerful they willingly helped her develop her powers by gathering innocent people for her to practice on. Suspicion grew but no one would ever successfully figure out the secret behind an old country town near to the coast. Her abilities grew, as she often wandered out of the cult that sheltered her but she had seen all of this before, her eyes could extend farther than they actually could and she could see things before they happened. That is how she knew when an organization came and entered the home of her cult and killed them all when they didn't find her. She knew that they were doing something big, so she silently followed them, corrupting them from the inside until one day she simply 'appeared'. That was when she was locked in the furthest and deepest cell that they could find, which meant that they created a special cell for her far from the others where an elevator going several hundred feet down was necessary. Shocked by her unannounced appearance, many test were unsuccessfully ran by them on her before she simply gave them the answer of what they were seeking. Who was her maker, and she simply gave it through a messenger who brokenly muttered and screamed a multitude of names before dying shortly after. They managed to narrow down the origins of her to a select few but who made her, they wouldn't truly know. [/i] [b]THREAT LEVEL[/b]: [i]Solitary Confinement - Extremely Dangerous/Kill if Necessary [/i]