Valery is surprised that whoever is in the room is actually talking with words instead of bullets. Should he respond? Or just start shooting? No, talking seems the right thing to do. "W-what makes you think I even want to go back to the metro!" Damn it Valery... "Maybe I l-like it up here!" It's becoming painfully obvious that Valery isn't good under pressure. "J-just never mind! Shut up! Listen I've got enough firepower to turn that room into Swiss cheese! And turn you into hamburger in the process! How bout I fry you up and serve you to those winged sons of bitches? Maybe then they'll help me get back!" Valery is running out of things to say, realizing he hasn't actually made a request. "L-listen! You two slowly walk out the door. Either that or you could hop back out to the creatures of the surface!" Valery shifts his grip on the dshk and positions it better at the door. "Let's say I give you twen- no! Ten! Seconds before I rip the room to shreds!"