BY REQUEST! FLOOR PLAN OF SECTOR X! (Because it was getting messy earlier) Sector X is an underground facility, so the 7th floor is the floor you enter on. It has the lobby, and one security guard station. It also has a small cafe like thing. 6th Floor: Gun Range/ Offices. A few of the sniper class psychics pitched in to make one of the floors a gun range, fully sound proofed and well kept. 5th floor: Biology Lab. The whole floor is one giant lab. Partly botany, partly science. This is where the 'crime' lab, as it has been dubbed is. There is also a lab set up experimenting with plants. 4th floor: Offices. Woo. 3rd Floor: Technopaths offices. A lot of computers, touch screens and the like here. 2rd Floor: Technology Lab and Head of Public Relations offices. 1st Floor: Some offices, but the Directors office and another security station. All people going to see the director are required to check in here. Exceptions are made, especially if the person can teleport. However, all personal must show their badge if possible if they pass by.