[center][i]Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: “At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.”[/i] Joshua, 6:26 [h2]The Jericho Road[/h2] [b]Welcome to AD 4000.[/b] The world you know is gone. [img]http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/rage_game_concept_art-t2.jpg[/img][/center] This RP will be a collaborative worldbuilding exercise taking place approx. 1000 years after the destruction of a highly advanced cyber-punk civilization in what is now the United States. The idea here is to take an already over-the-top setting like Mad Max or Fallout, and turn it up to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOO5S4vxi0o]eleven.[/url] It's one louder, isn't it? Anyway, the RP will center around the Jericho Road, a dangerous cross country run between two major settlements hazarded by trader convoys. These convoys are the badasses off a badass world, composed of tanks, walkers, huge armored crawlers, and whatever else we can think of, designed to get vital goods across the wasteland safely. This will not be a traditional RP: players will first collaboratively design settings, factions, characters, history, scenarios, species, monsters, wildlife...basically, an entire world centered around the now slightly cliched premise of a retro-futuristic apocalypse. I will contribute to and moderate this process, perhaps with the help of a co-GM. Then, we will begin the IC part of the roleplay, which will be open to new players and set in our co-designed world. The nature of the apocalypse itself will remain vague- while nuclear weaponry and bio-weapons were involved, these may not have been the only sources of society's collapse. Inspirations for this project are (not limited to): Warhammer 40K, China Mieville's fiction (esp. railsea), Lovecraft's mythos, Fallout, and Mad Max, to name just a few. Any takers?