Intergalactic Peace Troopers Its a safe assumption, wither or not you've traveled the stars yourself, that the endless galaxy contains many dangers. Dangers that require the cumulative efforts of planets and their people. Thus the Intergalactic Peace Troopers, as they're known to the human tongue, was born. Numerous galaxies have joined forces against space pirates, hostile aliens, and other dangers. Over time the collective scientific researches have allowed genetic modifications allowing those without special powers to get powers to help even the odds against the evils of the universal. As the ranks grew in line with problems from previously unknown galaxies, soon the discussion among those serving in the IPT came to a particular planet in the Milky Way that has for the most part been left alone. Earth was considered although surprisingly developed in certain areas and means, still behind in many other ways. Although there was troopers on both sides of the argument, the counsel almost unanimously agreed to bring Earth into the IPT alliance. The first three people from the planet were selected through a unique psychic dissection of the person. Going through those serving in the military, police, firefighters, or medical fields. The three were brought to IPT's main base ship out in the Cralonian galaxy. After agreeing to join with both leaders in IPT and important people from Earth in attendance for the special occasional. The three were sent to training on a planet where they were given superpowers and trained in the unique firearms the IPT uses, hand to hand combat, and many of the details the job requires. After the year training the three new recruits are ready to join a new squad made for the occasion. Assigned the Iris-6 spacecraft, the six troopers begin a new era for the Intergalactic Peace Troopers. Full name: Home planet: Age: (Try to keep them fairly young, or at least what young is defined as in their species) Appearance: (Description and/or picture) Abilities: (What superpowers they got through the genetic modifications or are inherent to their species if alien. Can be an inherent ability to the alien genetically modified to be stronger) Skills: (Any non superpowered skills the trooper has that are particularly useful to the squad) Bio: Notes: (Any particular thing that couldn't be noted in the rest of the character sheet but still important to note...)