[I][color=aba000]2nd Division Captain, Irei Vostera[/color][/I] [color=aba000]"Everyone!!! The Sereitei is under attack!!! Prepare for battle!!"[/color] Irei's voice traveled through the barracks. In an instant of the lesser seated Soul Reapers quickly jumped of their beds before readying themselves for the unknown enemy. Seconds later, all of the Shinigami gathered at the center of the barracks while clenching their Zanpakuto's tightly. They had not crossed paths with the target and yet sweat was beginning to drip from their foreheads. Why was this? Were the soldiers ill prepared to fight or was it something else? "Urghhhh!!!" One by one the Soul Reapers were picked off until one was left standing. The last man standing clenched his weapon tightly to the point that his hands began to bleed. "Show yourself!!!" The Shinigami yelled with his eyes navigating the barracks back and forth simultaneously. [color=ec008c]"If this fight wasn't a mere test, then you'd be dead along with all the others..."[/color] A dark and sinister voice noted from behind the man. "Maybe so, but I'm not dead yet!!!" The Shinigami yelled as he instinctively spun around in a 180 degree angle before following up with a horizontal slash. Though fast on his feet, the man's blade managed to cut only the air, causing his face to be consumed by fear. [color=ec008c]"I must admit that that's some nice reaction time you have there. However, I've already concluded my assessment of everyone's individual strengths and weaknesses so you're free to sleep now."[/color] The sinister voice spoke once more before the Shinigami's body fell to the ground right after. In no time at all Irei appeared in front of the pile of knocked out Soul reapers while mildly grinning. In his right hand was a bucket of red paint while in his right hand was another bucket filled with blue paint. [color=aba000]"Now let's see who gets what..."[/color]The Squad 2 Captain muttered to himself lowly as he proceeded to place the buckets of paint onto the ground. - Hours later, Squad 2 Barracks - "Captain? Captain!? ...captain!!!" Irei jumped up from his slumber only to be greeted by his lower ranked Shinigami. [color=aba000]"I was awake already...Sheesh!!! ...trying to master my mental state in my office just to get interrupted by disrespectful soldiers."[/color] The captain responded sluggishly, causing the men to look at each other with weird expressions before facing him again. "Umm captain, we're not in your office sooo yeaaahh and what's up with these markings?" one of the many Shinigami present asked. Irei looked up at the Soul reapers in response, which led to him finding animal markings on each one of their heads. [color=aba000]"It seems you're indeed correct but more importantly, the animal shaped markings represent a letter grade while the color of those markings represent either positive or negative. For example: If you have a blue eagle plastered onto your head then that equates to you having a solid B-. I've posted up a paper on my office door for further information on this matter...dismissed."[/color]