[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/5de7/f/2011/349/1/f/assassin__s_creed_jedi_concept_by_jarein-d4dypnn.jpg[/img] [h3][b][color=009698]Jedi Padawan Jenner Helios[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jenner Helios [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=hider](Ignore the Assassin's Creed-like garb and pissed-off expression.)[/hider]Jenner has a fairly slender build, standing at 1.75 meters and weighing 65 kilograms. His brown hair is fairly long and a little messy at times, and his eyes are a greenish color, though some traces of hazel can be seen in them. He generally has a very calm and relaxed look about him, making him an easily approachable person. [b]Force Abilities:[/b] As a general rule, Jenner has a strong preference towards cloak-and-dagger techniques, leaning towards force techniques promoting such things as high agility, stealth, and, to a small extent, subterfuge. He finds that in the event that combat is a possibility, it is advantageous to be in a position to avoid it or, if it cannot be avoided, attain the upper hand before it begins. He also finds it useful for gathering information, and using that to his advantage. Even if he doesn't need such intelligence in any sort of adverse situation, he can't help but be curious sometimes. He did learn one thing deviating from this pattern which is detoxify poison, though he only did so at Master Windu's behest. [list] [*][b]Core Abilities (with improved training on Force Jump and Force Speed)[/b] [*][b]Force Concealment[/b] [*][b]Detoxify Poison[/b] [*][b]Force Cloak (weakly trained)[/b] [/list] [b]Non-Force Abilities:[/b] To compliment his force abilities, Jenner is naturally quite agile and nimble, making him a difficult adversary. He has demonstrated quite the talent for the Ataru lightsaber technique, and has integrated Soresu into this technique to an extent. It may come as a matter of concern for some Jedi masters, but Jenner's naturally calm and level-headed demeanor helps to assuage some doubts as to his motivations for learning a relatively aggressive technique. Additionally, he rarely ever attacks his opponents directly, and prefers to simply evade his opponents until they give up, though he is adept enough in combat that he could hold his own against one with the same level of training fairly easily. [list] [*][b]Form I - Shii-Cho[/b] [*][b]Form III - Soresu[/b] [*][b]Form IV - Ataru[/b] [*][b]Agile[/b] [*][b]Neutral/Level-headed[/b] [*][b]Good singer[/b] [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Jenner has always had a very calm, neutral, and relaxed demeanor. He is carefree in the sense that he is very relaxed in things like his speech, his actions, etc. and while it may come off as obtrusive and, in some cases, rude, he never means any harm by it. More than anything he is simply non-confrontational, and will in many cases be the first to try to diffuse any arguments that may occur between two colleagues. He tends to be somewhat quiet, though he is friendly and open to those he does talk to. He does also tend to joke around a bit in casual situations, and has sometimes engaged in a couple of lightly mischievous acts of harmless fun. Though his original motivation for pursuing his training in the Jedi Academy was to become a knight and defend the citizens of the Galactic Republic, he soon found the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom a more rewarding experience, though he still held on to the desire to be a guardian. Ultimately, his mindset of neutrality would lead him to begin to question some aspects of the Jedi Council, and while no words have been shared between them, he can tell that Master Fora is well aware of his grey tendencies. While Fora has shown no sign of doubt towards Jenner for this reason, a few others in the council have taken notice and begun scrutinizing him, Master Windu included. He knows it will likely set him back on the path to becoming a Jedi Knight, but he pays it no mind. In the end, he has no doubts that he will stay, generally, in the light. [b]Biography:[/b] Jenner was born on the ocean world Manaan to his parents Jaalek and Yuli, both human. At that time, Manaan was a very obscure planet, known only for it's main export, an antiquated medical agent known as kolto. Although outdated and outdone by bacta, it was still in some use throughout the galaxy. His parents worked for the Selkath government as technicians in kolto refinement and production. Predictably, it wasn't the highest paying job, but it was enough to get by and save up a bit here and there for passage to a planet with more promising job prospects. For now though, they were happily living in a nice apartment in a part of Ahto City that managed to avoid damage from prior conflicts. Jenner passed much of the time becoming friends with young Selkath and exploring parts of the city that had since been abandoned. Even in as bad of shape as much of the city was, it was fairly safe simply due to the fact that hardly anyone came through anymore, let alone anyone dangerous. The majority of it's denizens were the native Selkath, and through his fishy friends, Jenner became aware of the Selkath government's ideas of strict neutrality and moderation. Being busy, and having fairly little contact with the Republic, it wasn't until Jenner was five that his parents discovered his force sensitivity. The Jedi Council was notified immediately and Master Windu arrived within a month to bring Jenner back to the council. Shortly after being evaluated, Jenner was given a short period of one on one training with Master Windu to get up to speed before being placed in a clan. Windu and Jenner got along very well, and it was realized early on that Jenner's little time on Manaan may have had a great effect on his attitude, as he was a very calm and level-headed individual from the very beginning of his training. He rarely ever became frustrated or confrontational, and his training progressed faster than expected. After a couple of months, he was placed in a clan and quickly found himself rising through the ranks. He began to earn the respect of the others in his clan, and he found himself becoming quite the scholar. Along with his fairly quick acquisition of competence with the force, he became very interested in learning new things, particularly about such things as philosophy and the Jedi Code. His fast learning with the force was met with some drawbacks, however, and he was slower in developing his skills with a lightsaber. Nonetheless, he graduated to Padawan status at the age of 11 and was chosen by Jedi Knight Rayne Fora to continue his training. Although not yet a Master, Rayne had much experience, and was not far from being accepted as a Master by the Council. Rayne was an adept duelist, and his training helped Jenner's lightsaber skills progress at a much faster rate. Not as fast as with his force powers, but he was showing significant progress. At the same time, Rayne shared some pieces of wisdom and philosophy with Jenner, which he said were things he had been taught by a former Jedi Master named Qui-Gon Jin. Jenner found that some of the philosophies seemed somewhat unorthodox, and when he questioned Rayne, he simply responded by saying "I've no doubt you'll understand one day." After becoming proficient in Shii-Cho, his efforts shifted towards building upon his already impressive agility. In the next few months, he strengthened his skills with force jump and force speed and concurrently took up Ataru to compliment his tendencies. It was also at this point that he found himself needing to juggle the work that he was given and his general training, which, in turn, opened some doors with the other Masters as far as communication went. After learning of the force cloak ability, he immediately became intrigued by it and sought advice on gaining such a trait. Despite knowing how difficult a skill it was to attain, it was one that he felt he should know. He learned that Aayla Secura was one such practitioner of the skill, and after consulting with Rayne, the Knight allowed him to undertake training with Secura to cultivate the ability. In the few months that Aayla was able to instruct him before the start of the Clone Wars they had built a strong bond, and though he was able to learn how to employ the technique, Secura had left before she could assist him in strengthening his skills. He continued practicing it, taking pride in being able to perform such a skill, although imperfectly at the time. Still, he knew that there were still things he could likely not learn without mentorship and instead turned back to strengthening his lightsaber skills and improving his agility. Around this time, Rayne felt that Jenner was properly prepared to accompany him on more difficult or dangerous tasks off-world. Many of which took the both of them to the outer rim, where Jenner was exposed to societies completely different than those in the core worlds. It gave him some perspective he had never had before. During one of their assignments, he and Rayne felt that they were in the vicinity of a dark presence. Their job having been done, and wanting to avoid any unnecessary confrontation, they quickly left, though not before Jenner caught a glimpse of the Dark Jedi, who in turn simply looked at him, smiled, and walked off. The event shook him a little, but he managed to collect himself. Upon returning to the Jedi Academy, he began to think about why the Dark Jedi hadn't done anything to stop them, which he very well could have. He soon rationalized that it wasn't worth the effort, but at one point it led him to ponder the meaning of some aspects of the Jedi Code, and some of the Jedi Masters' teachings. He found that some of it was inconsistent, and he outright disagreed with a couple of things upon thinking about it. His neutral mentality began to take over, and he found himself wondering about the very relationship between the dark and light side of the force. He then began to start thinking more about what Rayne had told him earlier in his training, and it began to make sense. He knew that such thoughts would likely put him under scrutiny, but he didn't let it bother him too much. He could tell that Rayne at least had picked up on it, though he never outwardly said anything about it or seemed to have any doubts about Jenner. At one point, the subject had come up while they were talking, and Rayne dropped a couple of hints suggesting that he was fully aware of Jenner's realization. Shortly thereafter, he could tell that some others in the council were beginning to sense the discrepancy in Jenner's thoughts. It seemed to put him under scrutiny for a bit, and prompted Master Windu to intervene to a small extent, but after some time and deliberation on Rayne's part, things seemed to settle down after the Council noted no further changes in Jenner's outlook or behavior. Still, he could tell it would probably change some of the council members' outlook on him, and possibly even set him back somewhat in how they evaluated him when he became eligible to become a knight. Still, he didn't let it get to him and took it in stride, as usual. There came a few points when Aayla was able to continue mentoring Jenner on using force cloak. Though he was still far from proficient, he became good enough that he could visibly mask his presence for a short period of time in a competent manner. He considered it a great milestone in his training, but of course Aayla was never around long enough to help him mold such a skill farther than that. Regardless, he found it much easier to improve upon when he could actually do it successfully to begin with. As he shifted his focus back towards his lightsaber skills and began practicing with others in the academy, he used his focus on agility to his advantage and would always fight defensively. In the roughly thirty practice sessions he's been in, he has only been hit three times. Much to the chagrin of some of the other Padawans, he sometimes wouldn't even put up a fight; just keep evading until they called it a draw. Part of his mind likely thought of it as a game, though in most situations where he did strike, he ended up winning. In this time, he also began to become further acquainted with some of the other Padawans, and in some cases even began to find himself assisting them to a small extent. His training continued until he became one of the fastest and most nimble Padawans in the academy. Just as the council began making mention of his taking the tests to attain knightship, he felt a series of disturbances in the force, along with several others. At one point in particular, he could tell that Secura had been killed. As he would later learn, Order 66 had been executed, and he soon found his inner calm being put to the test. [b]Secrets:[/b] Doesn't like people knowing he can sing. [b]Relations:[/b] [b]Rayne Fora:[/b] Jenner's master during his Padawan training, and a great influence in his lightsaber proficiency and concepts of philosophy. [b]Aayla Secura:[/b] Taught Jenner how to use the force cloak technique and became good friends during Jenner's training. [b]Mace Windu:[/b] Prominent Jedi Master in Jenner's training, as well as the one who originally brought him to the Jedi Council and started him down the path to becoming a Jedi. [b]Charuri Rol:[/b] A somewhat younger padawan that Jenner has become further acquainted with after running into her a couple of times on different assignments and during training at the academy.