With a frown, Lucretius follows the blood trail, and then crouches near the edge of the cliff to peer over it and see if there is any sign of anyone who might have fallen below, but sees nobody near the treacherous rocks below. He gets back up and returns the others, paying little mind to any of the items scattered about the fire, or to the precariously perched wooden shield. "At least two individuals either fell or were tossed over the edge here. The grass and dirt is heavily trampled, but there are no other blood stains, nor any shards of metal or leather. The victims with either subdued in a single blow after a brief engagement, or were assaulted with magic. The presence of the pick and torches in addition to the other tools here indicate whoever camped here aimed to venture into either an interior structure or else a cavern..." He paused momentarily, glancing away from the cliff and towards the edge of the jungle adjacent in thought, one hand resting on the hilt of his saber while the other he raised before his head in a gesture of contemplation. [hr] Spot Check for looking over the cliff. 3+2+3=8, Lucretius fails to see anything of interest. Knowledge (Local) Check. 13+4+3=20. Checking for information on the island's native inhabitants and specifically their customs/traditions and societal laws to determine if two neutral groups might attack each other during a chance encounter, as well as which specific groups or individuals are most expected to be responsible by reputation alone.