Kyou does his best to hide the little shivers that run through his body as the angel's fingers dance over the warm,fleshy protuberances jutting from his head. They twitch every so often, as if they are trying to flap, but the inquisitive demon does his best to shift his focus from the pleasant feeling to Aoba's reaction to the action of touching what he must see as an oddity. [i]'Headwings come standard for lower levels like myself, the demons that came from weaker human souls, but as I am sure Kuro is the first demon he's ever seen in person such a thing as useless appendages must seem bizarre. After all, most warrior demons are fully fledged demons, literally'[/i] He can feel himself bursting with questions, but with Kuro's reappearance he knows that the youngest son will likely want to have Aoba to himself for a while and doesn't want to upset the recovering demon with keeping the angel's attention. The fight is short and rough, but eventually Dani comes out on top and with a 'whoop' of victory he sits on Kuro's chest, puffing out his chest in triumph. Kuro would normally just knock him off to the side, such displays irritating at the best of times, but as he groans lightly over his poor wing being ground into the dirt beneath him he lets Dani have his moment for now. The new myriad or small cuts and bruises are rather comforting. After so many wounds cause be demons who actually want him dead, the faint ravaging by someone who just wanted to take a moment to show how awesome he is is rather refreshing, calming, and familiar. ~*~*~*~*~ The head medic headed home early. After watching him dropped a few times by the smallest demon to date he concludes that Aoba is safe for now and packs up the mirror. One last round to assure himself that the wounded angels are being taken care of calms him greatly and with a wave at the night shift he makes his way out the door and takes to the sky. Not a lot of angels actually fly around in heaven. There is no need. Those who flutter around the most are the arch angels. With the need to make sure their wings are always up and ready for use they take to the sky whenever they think about it. Though, in Fenrir's case, he has another reason for getting home quickly. Arriving at his domicile he slips out of his clothes and climbs into bed, pulling out the mirror once more. He's not ready for bed, but after the stress of the preceding week, he feels the intense need for comfort right now. Relaxing against the headboard he watches with half a smile as Aoba sits teasing Kyou's headwings, the dust ball several feet away clearly indicating that Kuro is back from hell and well enough to scrap with enthusiasm. “You are such a strange bunch, but. . . .I can not. . . .I can not find it in me to object. . .” With a sigh he shifts the view around, shaking his head and laughing as the small one, Dani, proclaims his victory to the world. ~*~*~*~*~ Softly, as to not startle Aoba out of his actions, Kyou speaks softly, deciding one question would be okay. His eyes are drawn to Aoba's wrist, where he'd always had his charm bracelet, and he murmurs softly, “You're bracelet, it's missing. Did. . .Did they take it away?” They of course being the holy people Aoba had been kidnapped by. “That. . .That thing, it was very important. It, um, it was helping to keep you safe. . .” Several feet away Dani thumps on his brother's chest playfully and Kuro decides he's had enough. His leg comes up sharply, knocking Dani forward, forcing him to catch himself with his hands on either side of his little brother's head. Swift as can be Kuro leans up and kisses his brother gently before tossing the smaller male completely over his head before rising to his feet quickly. Dani growls and tackles his taller sibling, forcing Kuro to catch him in his arms. They share a moment, just staring at one another, until at last Dani snaps his teeth at the younger male and pushes him away. Applying his foot to Dani's backside Kuro sends his older brother tumbling into a nearby stand of grass with a yelp and he laughs as he makes his way to Aoba's side. Without needing to be shooed Kyou carefully extracts himself and perches up in a nearby tree, watching to watch the exchange. Without a word Kuro sits down next to the angel and simply takes a moment to look down into the smaller male's eyes. His own eyes shine slightly, his affection clear and gentle. His hand comes up to cup Aoba's cheek and he smiles, rubbing his pale cheek softly with his thumb. “I'm back. . .” he murmurs quietly, his other hand sliding forward to grasps Aoba's wrist gently. It's the same wrist he used to wear the charm bracelet. Slowly he brings the wrist up to his lips and with a sigh he place a kiss on the joint before removing his hand from Aoba's face and pulling the charm adorned chain, the small bits of metal and stone jingling lightly as it sways form his finger tips. ~*~*~*~*~ Fenrir watches the exchange, a soft smile on his lips at the sweetness of it all. He knows that the children of Satan are incapable of falling in love, but to an untrained eye it would be impossible to tell that that the two before him are not mutually in love. [i]'So soft, so sweet. . .Why did he have to be born a demon?'[/i] Shaking his head with a laugh he bops himself with his finger tips before pulling back his view. The exchange seems private, and even if he's just watching – like Dani and Kyou are also doing – being so close feels like a kind of violation of their space. As he moves back however a dark flash along the edge of the mirror catching his attention. His eyes widen as he pulls out a little further and spots a demon emerging from a portal, directly on to the grounds of the farm. He sits up straight, moving his face closer to the would be reflective surface, taking in the details of the demon before him. [i]'I. . .I know that face. . .'[/i] His heart begins to race. This can not be good. He knows they've been trying to keep the situation from the father of lies' attention, and if he's right – which he's sure he is – there is [b]no[/b] way that it's going to remain a secret much longer. “Oh, Aoba, I am so sorry. . . .I prayed that this would be a good day. . .” A new panic arises as he watches the black horned figure simply stand there, hidden half behind a large tree near the pig pen, his eyes clearly observing his sibling caress the angel from afar. “What are you doing? Why. . .Why aren't you, are you just going to observe then go report. . .To him!? No, no, talk to him, let him explain. Gah! Kuro, notice him, notice!” Sounding very much like someone watching a TV program and yelling at the characters on the screen, he feels just as impotent as the first child of Satan's presence continues to go unnoticed. ~*~*~*~*~ Stepping out of the portal Issho cloaks himself before anyone can notice his presence, including the animals nearby, and his eyes seek out his brother. Taking a couple steps forward he glances around a tree to spot a bizarre, disturbing scene. Not only does he find his youngest sibling, but also Dani, watching the youngest interacting closely with an, “Angel. . . .” His voice is too soft to be heard, and with the cloak up he could stand there all day without being sensed unless someone looks directly at him. He stands there, still, watching, his confusion only matched by his calm. ~*~ Kuro gently clips the bracelet back into place, smiling softly at Aoba with a slightly apologetic look. “Sorry, I know I should ask if you want it back, but right now I would rather know you are that much safer than worry about you being grumpy about the nature of what you're wearing. . .” He gives Aoba a slightly pathetic look. “Unless you don't like it at all now and I have to make something completely new. . . .” It's clear from his tone that he's teasing and with a chuckle he draws Aoba into a hugs, a part of him never wanting to let go. Up in the tree Kyou watches, completely still and silent. The exchange is fascinating and he takes every little bit of new information with relish. He sees Dani's little twitches of irritation, the amused way Kuro's wings flutter and shift, the way Kuro shamelessly slides his hand up between Aoba's wings and rubs the spot gently. His body tingles as he thinks of how that must feel and takes a moment to look away to calm himself down. It is in this instant that he spots something that turns his blood to ice. Every demon recognizes The Right Hand of Hell. His breath stills and he sits frozen, unsure of what he should do. A part of him feels the urge to warn the group below, but at the same time the fear of drawing Issho's ire makes him feel like even moving would break him into a million pieces. Then, suddenly, the decision is made for him, and he dissolves into a cowering lump hugging the branch of the tree he was sitting on, clearly wishing he could become one with the wooden surface in this instant. ~*~ Usually, Issho would simply report back to his father about what he's seen, find out what the fallen angel wants him to do, but in this case his own curiosity overrides this habit and as it was not commanded of him to return right away, he decides to dig deeper into this mystery. With a slow exhale, he releases the cloak and his powerful demonic energy blasts through the area like a silent wave, sending the pigs into a tizzy, the grazers off to the furthest edge of their paddock, and Kyou into a cowering mess. Without a word he moves from behind the tree, and begins slowly walking towards his siblings and the fallen angel held protectively in Kuro's arms. ~*~ As soon as he feels the wave Dani drops to the ground on to all fours and snaps his head around to the source, seriously expecting to find their father. Instead however his eyes land on their eldest sibling and he relaxes a bit, sitting up almost like a curious dog would. [i]'Oh, only Issho. He's a LOT more reasonable than Pops. Maybe Aoba will survive this'[/i] As casually as he thinks it, he is rather upset at the idea that there's even a chance his potential pet might be taken away from him for good and with a small whine moves a little closer to the two sitting on the porch steps. For his part, Kuro barely seems responds to the sudden emergence of the second most powerful being in hell. Looking past Aoba's shoulder he watches Issho approaching and he carefully keeps his breath as slow as possible. [i]'It's just Issho, not Pops. Pops must have sent him, but, but he's approaching, not running off to tell the old man right away. He's here, he's. . .He'll talk to me. I. . . Oh please, anyone who will listen, please, do not take Aoba from me!'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ High above Fenrir watches, tears in the corners of his eyes. [i]'Oh please, please let this be a good sign. Oh all things holy, don't kill him. Don't take him from this world. Gah, no angel belongs in hell, none of them, especially one so sweet an innocent as this poor child!'[/i] Amid his silent please he feels a faint pang in his chest, like someone is calling to him, and he swears, for an instant, that he hears Kuro's voice in his ear. However he knows this can not be true, and despite the strangeness of the happening, he brushes it aside, his grip in the mirror tighter than it's ever been, his white knuckles trembling slightly under the force of it. ~*~*~*~*~ Issho stops several feet away, raising an eyebrow at his little siblings. Kuro swallows, finally relaxing his grip on the small angel, giving him the chance to actually move rather than being held facing away from the approaching source of evil. One hand however settles on Aoba's hip, keeping him from getting up or fleeing should he feel the urge to do so, though the grip would allow him to turn around if he wants to. The eldest's eyes go from Dani, to the figure trying to go unnoticed in the tree, to the raven haired male, until at last his gaze settles on the small, gray winged creature encircled in his brother's arms. It's not the first time he's seen a fallen angel, besides his father of course, but something about this one seems different from the others. Despite his curiosity however he waits patiently for someone else to speak up, wanting to see how these conspirators will try to defend themselves.