Huh, the guild mods generally don't do that. what, you a chosen one or something? Hahahahah just kidding. Anyway, everything is hard to explain, but once you 'get it' it's extremely intuitive. RP threads have three 'sub threads', In-Character (IC, the story itself), OOC, (Out of character, so people can discuss things), and Char, (Character, so people can keep track of all of the important in-story thingies, like characters ofc.) All the systems are technically arbitrary, of course. Anyway, commonly, if you just want to be a 'player' of an RP, you find an Rp you like the sound of, and you make a post in that RP thread's OOC thread. You state your interest, and if you have one ready, you present a filled-out character form, or just the basic concept of a character you'd like to play. Generally, there is a 'charsheet' somewhere in the RP thread, usually in the Opening Post itself, and you're supposed to fill it out like a form. Anyway, after that, you pretty much just write. You can also collaborate on posts, obviously. I generally do three things myself: You can use the PM system and exchange paragraphs of material, you can use Titanpad ([url][/url]), or a google doc, or anything that you see fit, of course! As well, after you're 'approved' by that RP's GM, you're usually gonna be asked to post your Char-Sheet into the characters sub-thread. If not, it's generally safe and OK to do it anyway if it isn't mentioned but you're still approved. here aren't any major rules aside from; No racism, don't harass people, just be a cool dude/'dudette', and have fun! I'm certain you'll find a few RP's you like. Hell, I have one I'm working on right now, but PM me if you're interested any. It's a semi-reboot of an earlier thing, and it's basically a weird fusion of Skyrim, Bloodborne, and RWBY. Hard to explain, but whatever. Anyway, I think this is long enough. Just err on the side of caution if you have no idea what you're doing, use your head, be polite, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of good times here.