[i][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82934-verthaven-a-bloody-paradise-completed/ic]Previously, on Verthaven...[/url][/b][/i] [hr] [b][u]5:24 PM.[/u][/b] Local cable televisions all over Verthaven were broadcasting, you guessed it, Reporter Molly Schuler was standing in front of a large and elegant building. She was standing on the stairs of the building, wearing a black suit with a red dress shirt under it. She was holding a microphone in hand. [i]"Hello, this is Reporter Molly Schuler, and this is the news. It has been approximately two weeks since the revelation of NEST's involvement on the attack on the Festival, and their associations with groups known as the Hands of Science, and the Changeling Unit, have been exposed to the world. Metahumans, and their sympathizers, all over the states, far as Black Fall, have been outraged."[/i] The screen changed to footage of people protesting outside the NEST base in Black Fall. Shouting, and waving signs up and down saying "PROTECT US", and variations of the message. [i]"Tensions have been rising as public opinion of NEST has taken a downward spiral. Many have outright sworn to refuse monthly checkups, and have been encouraging others to do the same. Along with many Metahumans going to immense lengths to get their registration chips removed, or disabled, through illegal, and highly dangerous, methods. All while NEST is going through a [b]major[/b] internal investigation to uncover the extent of Miranda Caryl's, who rests in NEST custody as we speak, involvement. NEST Headquarters is still undergoing repairs. Many NEST Agents are still out of action, and the Verthaven branch of NEST is undermanned. To help bring order to the city, many Agents from other cities have been transferred."[/i] Molly nodded her head, and caught her breath as she moved onto the next branch of news. [i]"Gruesome attacks on citizens have been reported from all over the city. People have been found in alleyways, and other less populated areas savagely attacked by what appears to be monsters. Mostly the homeless, and wanderers. Survivors have stated that they have been attacked by "monsters". The attacks appear to be linked to the erratic rain patterns that have been going on. NEST is looking into this as we speak. Gang violence in the Estella Isle have also been on an increase, as gangs move into the territory left behind by the Fiends, who have all but been eliminated. Police activity in the area have been on an increase, and there have been talks about imposing Martial Law on the city. Every law enforcement Agency in Verthaven is doing all they can so that it doesn't have to come down to that. So far, they are making progress, we can only hope things will get better." Looking off to the side as a tall man in a suit with black hair walked up the stairs. "Now, I am at the Sequester's Grand Hall, where NEST have decided to host their impromptu Charity Ball & Garden Party. Where they plan on regaining public favor by raising money to help build new cheap and affordable housing in Union Point Hills, and raise money to help those who have been lost during the conflict with the Fiends, and Hands of Science. For ten dollars, you can help raise money, and participate in the social event. Which features dancing, entertainment, and free food and drinks." "That is Molly Schuler with the news. I'll see you at the ball." [/i] [hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], & [color=red]Meifeng[/color] [color=dodgerblue]Vuh[/color][color=red]ong[/color].[/i][/h1] [hider=Kanye West - Gorgeous][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7BC1w3jRU[/youtube] One of my favorite songs, in fact.[/hider][hr] "[i]Mom, we look like a pair of sterotypes with this on...[/i]" Meifeng groaned in her native language as she sat firmly upon the stool in Lihua's bedroom. With her mother standing right behind her, adjusting her [url=http://www.freeridebikepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Cheongsam-Fashion.jpg]Cheongsam (Ignore the pretty lady)[/url], a beautiful dress with flower patterns. Seemingly a dress perfect for Meifeng. Color and style and everything. Her bare feet were touching the carpet, she moved them to lightly tap the bright-red dress shoes with Chinese flowers embroidered onto the side. "[i]Oh, shush, you look amazing in that dress...[/i]" Lihua retorted in Chinese. Standing over her daughter in a similar, but blue, [url=http://www.chinesedress.eu/ProductImageGallery/Elegant-Chinese-Party-Dress-Royal-Blue.jpg]Choengsam.[/url] Already prepared and tighty. Wearing black heels that brought her up a few inches. Most notably, she had a massive bruise on her forehead, which she would pause for a moment and put ice to. She zipped up the back of Meifeng's dress, and she reached over to the side and grabbed a brush. Before she started brushing Meifeng's hair. "[i]And you ruined the dress that you oh so[/i] insisted [i]I buy for you going to that[/i] stupid [i]party....[/i]" Lihua groaned, rolling her eyes up into her head. "[i]Hey, what?![/i]" Meifeng pivoted, and looked back at her mom. Lihua stopped brushing her hair. "[i]... Mika told me. Everything. Especially that fight you got in.[/i]" Lihua off-handedly said, gently putting her hands on Meifeng's shoulders, and turning her body forward. "[i]... Bet you really wished you restrained yourself there.[/i]" Lihua said in reference to a certain [i]malfunction[/i] Meifeng went through at the party. Eyes firmly pressed shut, as the embarrassment of that moment flashed before her eyes. She muttered something underneath her breath in Chinese. "Besides... you owe me for wacking me in the head with your bo staff...." Lihua groaned as the pain of her bruise sharpened. "I said I'm [i]sorry![/i]" Meifeng said. "And [i]I[/i] said you should wear this dress." Lihua retorted. "[i]Alright, I'm done.[/i]" Lihua said, as she put her brush down, and Meifeng hopped up, and faced her. "[i]You look great.[/i]" Lihua complimented her. Almost reflexively, Meifeng looked away. "[i]... Except for these scars.[/i]" Meifeng said, putting fingers to her healed wound, and shuddering. "[i]I look .[/i]" Lihua put her hands on Meifeng's shoulders. She wanted to look her in the face, but Meifeng was still looking away. Letting out a sigh. "[i]Meifeng, we all get scars. You remember everything I told you. You got those scars for doing the right thing. Anyone who thinks less of you is merely unimportant.[/i]" Meifeng managed to pull her head around, and look Lihua in the eyes. Shrugging. "I guess." Before Lihua could respond, the doorbell rang, and she whipped her head around. "Oh, Cindy's here." Lihua quickly stepped out the room, and walked into a room off to the side. Decorated with infant furniture, a dresser, a toybox, several toys lying around, and a crib, which Lihua walked up to. Sitting down in the crib was none other than her infant, Lijuan. Wearing sky blue pajamas, with a cap. Lihua lifted her up by her sides, and took a good look at her. Lijuan responded by smiling widely. She didn't [i]quite [/i]look like Lihua, unlike Meifeng. It might have been the fact that she was biracial. She had features from her father that balanced out the genes she got from Lihua. She put her arm underneath Lijuan's bottom, with her legs hanging, and pressed a hand to her back to hold her up. As she stepped out the room, and slowly walked towards the door. While Lihua was grabbing Lijuan, Meifeng was doing something equally important... getting the door. Meifeng quickly ran down the stairs, and walked up to the door. Unlocking it, and pulling it open to reveal an African-American girl that was around her age with glasses, braces, wearing a vest with a striped green shirt underneath it, and jean shorts. "Hey, Cindy." "Meifeng, you look nice!" Cindy said with a smile, as her eyes were on Meifeng's dress. They wandered upwards to her facial scar, and she let out an, "Oh." Meifeng rolled her eyes up into her hair. [i]Is this going to the norm when I talk to people?[/i] Meifeng rolled her eyes up into her head. "Where's Lijuan?" Cindy asked. Lihua walked down the stairs with her infant in hands. "Right here." She softly said before she handed Cindy Lijuan. Feeling a bit of hesitation in her. "Keep an eye out, and don't, under any circumstance, open the door for anyone." The Changeling Unit has made her [i]extra[/i] paranoid. There was an understanding when Lihua [i]had[/i] to note that. Yeah, Cindy was a little paranoid herself. She was a Metahuman, but she wasn't sure if she could handle whatever these madmen could throw at her. She held Lijuan cold to her, and stepped into the house. Getting out of their way. Assuring them "Yeah, I got this - just enjoy your time at the ball!" "[i]We will![/i]" Meifeng said as she skipped on by, outside. Taking slower, and more graceful steps, Lihua stopped and faced Cindy, "Just call me if anything goes wrong." Before they walked up to Lihua's Cadillac Luxury Sedan, Lihua got into the driver's side, and Meifeng got into the back. They drove off towards the fair. [hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], & [color=red]Meifeng[/color] [color=dodgerblue]Vuh[/color][color=red]ong[/color], & [color=lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] The trip across the city was long, and horrible. Fortunately, Meifeng had a cellphone! A new iPhone... the Hands of Science broke her other phone, so Lihua arranged to get her a new one. And sure it was... literally no different from the other phones. That wasn't important, what [i]was[/i] important was that she kept herself busy by sending texts to her various friends. Trying to get them to come to the Charity ball. To party with her of course. [u]Yo Jen bout to make my grand entrance! u comin?[/u] Meifeng sent a text to Jen. She scrolled through her phone until Jen replied. [u]No thanks. I think I'll sit this one out.[/u] Jennifer replied. [u]Oh com on, why? :([/u] [u]I just think these big events are recipes for disaster. And since Ratchet left, I think I should just lay low for awhile.[/u] [u]Wit me by ur side what do u hav 2 worry bout. Ill even pay 4 u 2 get in.[/u] [u]No Meifeng. I just think I should stay in for awhile.[/u] [u]don be like dat Jenny. U ben stayin in that house 4 weeks now.[/u] Meifeng sent the final text, but Jennifer didn't answer at all. Which made Meifeng let out a sigh. [i]God damn it, Caspin.[/i] Meifeng thought to herself as she thought about it. She really needed to get that girl out of the house... again. Well, she'll cross that bridge when she gets to it. Well, she still had plenty of friends! Oh yeah... she doesn't really have too many. Other than Anna, that is. Speaking of which, she should definitely hit her up. Maybe she'll lift her spirits. [u]Ayyyyy sexy. U goin 2 the ball? U shud. It'll hav me.[/u] Meifeng sent the first text - but she felt a little unsure of if she really enticed Anna to come (She was having doubts that Anna [i]really[/i] shared the feelings she had). So, she quickly hammered another text in: [u]Don wori bout d cash i'll pay. U know I got your back.[/u] She hoped that Anna would come. Maybe they could talk face to face. However, it was time for Meifeng to make her grand entrance! The car was pulling into the parking lot, and Lihua parked the car. Lihua was the first to casually step out the car, holding her purse underneath her arm. Meifeng quickly shoved her phone into her pockets - which didn't exist! She forgot she was wearing a dress, and had to use a purse... A little red leather purse to match her dress. Meifeng was definitely not the type to walk around with a purse, but just this once. Meifeng unzipped her purse and stuck her phone into it, and slung it around her shoulder, before she kicked the door open and skipped out of the door after Lihua. It wasn't long before she caught up to her mother (And who couldn't? She was walking like she wanted to be [i]graceful[/i]). Holding onto her purse strap with one hand, she walked down the sidewalk, and looked up at the building, and wow, didn't it look great? It was this [url=http://venues.puffnstuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Ballroom_Exterior.jpg]big mansion looking place.[/url] With armed guards (NEST Agents, of course, armed with M16's) at the front doors. With a nice lady in a suit behind a podium-looking stand handling entrance fees. When they approached, Lihua merely pulled her NEST ID out her purse and walked inside without a word. The sight was almost breathtaking, the interior of the ballroom was this massive hall that was made out of this exquisite brown wood. The ceilings had several fancy metal chandeliers hanging down. There were several large windows on the left and right sides of the room. In the center of the room was the dancefloor. It had a few people dancing, but not as many you'd expect for a dance hall. [i]Surrounding[/i] the dance floor, were several tables, where most of the people were. There were buffets serving a variety of free food, and most importantly; an open bar. On the other side of the entrance were more doors (guarded, again). Leading out into the back yard of the Ballroom. There were exquisite stone stairs placed around many plants, and whatnot, with stone paths that were decorated with tables, and potted plants. At the top of the stairs was an area that had plenty of tables, and another bar. At the [i]bottom[/i] of the stairs was the sandy beach. A sandy area that was surrounded by cliffs that isolated the area from the other beaches. There wasn't anyone down at the beach other than a few people talking. The Vuhongs stepped into the room, and immediately someone dropped down from the ceiling in front of them. Meifeng, instinctively, summoned water out of her supply, but Lihua quickly put her hand in front of her as a gesture for her to stand down. Blonde hair fell down into place as her figure was revealed. She stood straight up (Feeling [i]awfully[/i] tiny compared to the Vuhongs). Her black, specially made, NEST suit was a black color, with a tactical vest, and had a pistol in her holster. What caught Meifeng was her high-powered sniper rifle hanging off her back. "Oh, sorry for the scare." Her name was Sonya Mayfield, one of NEST's best sharpshooters. "Welcome, Agent Vuhong.... and who might you be?" She extended a hand to Meifeng. [i]Oh, she's just a NEST Agent... calm down.[/i] Meifeng assured herself, letting out an exhale. She sucked the water back up into her pocket dimension. Though, this chick looked like her mother did a [i]lot[/i] more with the frog prince than kiss him. She couldn't take her eyes off her frog feet. She figured that she should be cordial and shake her hand, but she found it difficult to look her in those great big green eyes. "[i]Meifeng Vuhong.[/i]" The second she made contact with Sonya's hand, she immediately felt Sonya's slime, and how [i]slippery[/i] the woman's hand was. It was hard to grasp her hand. She had to contain the urge to say "yuck". "Oh? Sorry about that." Sonya said with a smile on her face, after chuckling. "Got a lil' bit of my slime on you." Sonya released Meifeng from her grasp, and put her bulbous finger tips together. Cheerfully saying, "Your Lihua's daughter? Oh, it's sooo nice to meet you!" "Yeah..." Meifeng groaned as she tried to wipe Sonya's slime on her dress - but Lihua's own hand latched onto her wrist to prevent her from doing just that. Lihua quickly pulled out some napkins from her own purse, and wiped Meifeng's fingers clean. Sonya kept her lips sealed during the display. "Well, I'm [i]Sonya Mayfield[/i], they put me in charge of the security detail." "Oh, that's nice." Meifeng shrugged. She was feeling more and more like she was in the wrong place here. Reaching into her pouch, Sonya pulled an ear-piece (wrapped in plastic) out. "This is for you, Agent Vuhong!" Sonya said. Raising an eyebrow, Lihua was curious because she didn't know she'd be wearing an earpiece. "I don't understand, I came here off duty." "Oh, sorry I didn't tell you," Sonya said with a smile, "... You're going to be apart of the security detail for tonight. Every NEST Agent here will be." "Oh?" Lihua said to get an elaboration. "Don't worry, just enjoy yourself! I just want to keep everyone posted, and have you guys report anything suspicious." Sonya said. Meifeng crossed her arms over her chest, and rolled her eyes. Like was like she was -[i] gasp![/i] - invisible here! She shifted her weight to one hip, and put a hand to that hip. Muttering in Chinese, "[i]That's Lihua for you, when she's not supposed to be working, she's working![/i]" Before giving Lihua a look (And Sonya wondering what the hell she just said). The only response that Lihua could muster was rolling her eyes, and looking around for a minute. She saw all sorts of familiar faces. Mostly the transfers from other cities - but one stood out. Her build, her facial features, her manner of dress... yes, it had to be her niece. She had the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. Her hand was firmly slapped onto Meifeng's shoulder. Leaning down slightly to whisper in her ear, in Chinese (Once again leaving Sonya dumbstruck), "[i]Meifeng, I see your cousin over there, how about you go talk to her? She looks a little lonely.[/i]" Not [i]that[/i] depressed bitch. Meifeng [i]did[/i] hear that she was in town, but she didn't expect to see her here. Sitting all alone. Like the antisocial fuck she is. Well, maybe pissing her off would be fun - opposed to standing here being a third wheel to [i]official NEST business[/i]. "Yeah, I'm out." Meifeng said at the same time that she turned away to go walk over to Mika. Lihua only gave her daughter a nod as she walked off. She cut the packet open with her nails, and placed it in her ears. "Now, I should tell you about the great security plan I have." Sonya said, taking steps behind her more towards the dancefloor. "We have Agents all over the streets, disguised as regular civilians, keeping an eye on everything. [i]Anything[/i] out of the ordinary pops up and I'll know, and I'll relay the information to the rest of ya' so we can handle it before it devolves into another festival attack." "... And no one wants to experience that again." Lihua shuddered as she took steps. "I'm telling you, I would have had Khan and her little group of lieutenants in cuffs if they just sent me." Sonya raised a finger in the air as she cheerfully said. "Oh, but don't let me hold you up. Go enjoy the party! There's so much to do!" "... Where is the open bar?" Lihua asked. "Thatta' way!" Sonya pointed at the open bar over against the wall. Well, if Lihua's going to be here, then she might as well enjoy the benefits and get her drink on. Just enough so that she doesn't get incredibly drunk. But enough to drink alcohol to her heart's content. She sat down on the stool, and put her finger up, "Red wine, please." The bar tender nodded his head, and turned around. He put a large wine glass in front of her, and then poured red wine into it. Grasping it with tender fingers, Lihua took a sip out of it. [hr][h1][i][color=red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color], & [color=yellow]Mika Baozai[/color].[/i][/h1] [hider=Jojo's Bizarre Adventure The Anthology - Iggy Walk][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgWc4sD7zzg&index=34[/youtube][/hider][hr] For a moment, Meifeng was wondering why the hell she'd walk all the way over here for Mika. Then she reminded herself that none of her squad was here, and that screwing with Mika would be fun. She [i]also[/i] had to ask herself why she didn't just talk to someone new. Find a new face to add to the squad. Eh, she realized that she was too late to back out now, because Meifeng had approached the table in the corner, and Mika was already looking up at her. Dear God, she just reeked [i]tryhard[/i]. So tryhard. Meifeng almost vomited the second she stepped up to Mika's table because of how fake she was. She put her hands on the table, and leaned forward, looking Mika in the eye. Not. Saying. A. Word. Mika had a similar reaction. It was her good old redneck cousin, come here to prove nothing new. Mika put her cup of steaming hot tea down onto the plate with a gentle clang. She looked up at Meifeng, and put her hands into her lap. "It is great to see you here, Meifeng." Mika said in her usual dry tone. "Nah, don't give me any of that crap." Meifeng looked Mika up and down. She eyeballed the [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=130286933]white dress[/url] Mika was wearing. It didn't look expensive, and given how big of a tryhard Mika is, she should be walking around in million dollar clothes constantly. "That dress looks like it could be bought by crackheads." Meifeng noted. "Oh you're so kind... is there anything you want?" Mika took a sip of her tea. "Yeah, I'm wondering what brings you to Verthaven, city of tomorrow." Meifeng asked, looking Mika dead in the eye. "... and more importantly, [i]why[/i] are you staying at [i]MY [/i]house, of [i]all[/i] places." "Father's on family business, and [i]insisted[/i] he brings everyone here. I got into a fight about him over it, and choose to spend my time at [i]your[/i] house." Mika explained, followed by a sip of her tea. "Saves money." "... [i]Your infinite [b]FOUNTAIN[/b] of fucking money?!?![/i]" Meifeng loudly said - earning herself a few looks. Mika had to fight tooth and nail to suppress the massive smirk growing on her face. What didn't help was her comments afterwards, "Oh, I wouldn't say [i]infinite[/i], but I think I'd rather stay in your house. It has that [i]rustic[/i] feel that makes me glad I have what I have." At this point, Meifeng was shaking. Containing her anger. Breathing in deeply and letting it all out a few seconds later. This bitch doesn't get anything on her own, she gets everything from her dad! Her dad! She's practically spoonfed. She wouldn't have anything if Uncle Jiao-Long didn't hand it to her. Her anger gradually subsided with each sigh with one final sigh. "You know what, I can't even get mad at your shit anymore, Mika...." She groaned. "Oh, that's surprising." Mika said, reaching to the teapot, and pouring some tea in her cup. She poured another cup full of tea, and pushed it over in Meifeng's direction. "Mind having some tea? I have the good kind, not the filth you get in a grocery store." [i]This better be laced with poison, that'd make this fun.[/i] Meifeng said as she pulled a seat down. Grabbing onto the handle, and taking a sip of the tea. Usually, tea wasn't her thing, but this tasted good. "... Thank you o' cousin." Meifeng said. Before she suddenly slammed her tea cup on the table, saying, "Heeeeeey wait, last time I drunk tea with you, you cheated me out of fifty dollars." "That was your own fault." Mika said in a matter-of-fact tone. "What would you even need fifty dollars for? You're loaded!" Meifeng put her hands out. "I needed money to pay for the taxi." Mika said, "And besides, you know better than to challenge a telepath to poker." "... Because you [i]know[/i] you'd lose!" Meifeng shouted, as she put her hands on the table. "You gotta resort to using that little telepathy of yours, because you know you'd lose otherwise. I [i]bet[/i] I can kick your ass if you didn't have telepathy!" "I'd still beat you... I'd prove you wrong, but-" Mika spoke, until Meifeng pulled two decks of poker cards out on her purse, and slammed them on the table. Giving Mika a smug look. "Okay, then." "Promise you won't cheat? Swallow your pride for [i]juuuuust[/i] a second and let me kick your ass." Meifeng taunted her. One of the empty teacups were surrounded with a white aura, shining a dim light. It floated upwards into the air, and remained levitating. "Very well. As you know, I can't use telepathy [i]and[/i] telekinesis at the same time. Therefore, long as I levitate this cup, I cannot read your mind." "Hey, how do I know you're not just lying?" Meifeng asked, pointing at her. "Oh, very well," Mika said, "Think of a number, any number." "Alright then..." [i]I'm not thinking of a number, I'm thinking of banana![/i] Meifeng thought to herself. "What numba am I thinking of, o' cousin?" Meifeng asked. "I don't know, you're probably thinking of something dumb and perverted." Mika rolled her eyes. "Now, shall we begin? Deal the cards." Meifeng grabbed the cards, and she spread them in front of her. She put them back into one big stack, then split it in half. She put her thumb to the inward pointing corners, and shuffled the corners together (creating a ripping sound), before making them one big stack again. She repeated the action. Meifeng then grabbed the cards from the middle, while holding the cards on top in the air, she then put them on top of the stack, and repeated this action. Over and over, and over, again. The cards were as mixed as they needed to be. She held them in hand, and pitched the cards over the table in front of herself and Mika. While Meifeng was doing her theatrics, Mika decided to cheat. Meifeng seems to be forgetting about the telekinetic power she has. While Meifeng was pitching the cards, Mika briefly used her telekinesis to bend them upwards, just so she sees what's under the cards. "[i]You're not slick, Mika![/i]" Meifeng shouted. "I see what you're doing like I wouldn't notice, but I noticed." "Oh dear, it appears I've been caught." Mika put her hands in the air as if ordered by police officers. She stopped using telekinesis on the cards. "I knew it... you couldn't [i]help[/i] but cheat." Meifeng said, "You know, if I catch you cheating again... you should treat me out to a trip to the mall, y'know, get me all sorts of new clothes and possessions." All the more fun it'll be when Mika crushes her. She grinned. "I accept these terms. And I want nothing if I win... there isn't anything worth more than defeating you." "Let us begin, then!" Meifeng shouted as they began their epic poker match with explosions and everything. [hr][h1][i][color=plum]Trevor Kevin Obott[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] "[b][i]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO![/i][/b]" Trevor loudly shouted as he felt the wind assault him from the back of his sister's motorcycle - with his sister driving it of course. Scarlet was wearing a black helmet over her head and goggles, while Trevor just had on a black helmet. They were racing through the streets of Verthaven on the back of her motorcycle, on their way to the charity ball of course. Trevor just wanted to go because he hoped he could actually score some girls (Or boys) this time. The motorcycle came to a skidding stop right in front of the Grand Hall. Trevor stepped off the motorcycle, and took his helmet off and put it on the back of Scarlet's motorcycle. "That was awesome! NEST money well spent!" Trevor said, chuckling. "Yeah, isn't this awesome?" Scarlet said. "Thought about buying a car, but isn't this more fun?" "Yup!" Trevor said. "Alright, I have to head back to the base, you and Lucille enjoy yourselves!" Scarlet said, before she kicked the motorcycle back in gear, and sped off. Oh yeah, Lucille. She's probably already here. Trevor misses staring at that amazing [i]rack[/i] already! Well, he stepped up the stairs, wearing nothing impressive. Simply jeans, a jean jacket, and a white and black checkered polo shirt underneath it. Compared to the people here who have come in suits, and ties... he looks like street trash. But he didn't care, he wanted to get some booty. He walked up the stairs, handed the lady ten dollars, then stepped inside. He wondered what the food would be like.