[img]http://s15.postimg.org/gg61wb38r/Photo_Editor_1441331079918.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Artemis Reed [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Powers:[/b] Ability to talk to, control, and transform into animals. [b]Weapons:[/b] Dual Samari Swords [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=Bio]Artemis always loved animals, her first words being "Horsey" instead of "mommy" or "dada". Artemis was born into a loving family, her older sister Persephone being only 3 years older than her. The two of them got along quite well, both sharing a secret they learned once they were 6 years old; They had special powers. At her 6th birthday party she didn't have any friends, everyone went to her classmate Olivia's party because she had so many amazing things while Artemis only had Balloons, party hats, and cake. She had never been popular, since she lived in a small town which her parents had moved to after she was born, so they were seen as strangers since everyone knew everyone and everyone had lived there for generations. But as she felt so lonely she was about to cry, a bird came to her window and asked her what's wrong. Artemis explained what was going and the two chatted for hours until her parents decided to take her out for dinner to cheer her up. After that she found out that not only could she talk to animals, she could manipulate them and even.... Turn into whatever animal she desired. One day her sister saw her turn from a white tiger into herself and so she decided to tell her Younger sister her own secret; She could manipulate and create any plant at all. The two shared this secret until the first day of high school. Artemis was waiting to get picked up by her sister since she was on her second year of college while Artemis was a junior in high school, and the popular girl decided to pick on her. Artemis snapped, turning into a tiger and lunging at them. Fortunately for the girls Persephone was there to use her powers to ensnare her sister with vines, but neither escaped as someone had called the police. The two were tranquilized and taken into custody, brought to the nearest military base and spending 3 months there. They had bar codes tattooed into their necks and were experimented on for the last 2 months before the military were informed of Miss. Dawson's Home for the Truly Gifted. The two were taken there in separate vehicles, being reunited once the military personnel had left and they were inside the force field. They were the first to get there, and they hoped that eventually others would join them since both Artemis and Persephone knew that'd be their only ticket out.[/hider] [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] To get the hell out of Miss. Dawson's weird home. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] Walking the Line/Neutral [b]Siblings (If Any):[/b] Older Sister~~~~> Persephone Reed [b]Pets (If Any):[/b] None [hr] [img]http://s4.postimg.org/o21v3fv71/Photo_Editor_1441331171668.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Persephone Reed [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Powers:[/b] Plant Manipulation and Creation [b]Weapon:[/b] 30 throwing knives with roses carved into them along with their vines. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=Bio]Persephone was always a happy girl, even after having a little sister since she loved her so much. She watched her sister grow up just as she was, but she was always there for her whenever she wanted to talk or play. They used to have tea parties, make mud pies, have lemonade stands just for fun instead of the money. They were happy together, even though after Artemis's 6th birthday Persephone knew something was wrong. Her sister seemed a bit different, more secretive for sure. So eventually Persephone decided to sneak into her sisters room just to see what she might be hiding. Before her eyes she saw her sister transform from a giant white tiger into herself, Persephone deciding that her sister was just like her; She had powers nobody else had. The two had a sacred bond after that, and even when Persephone had college she would make time for Artemis. She knew she had to protect her little sister if anything should happen, and that's what she had tried to do that day when Artemis transformed in order to attack the popular girls she hated so much. But she failed, and Persephone felt horrible each day after that for 3 month's before they were reunited with one another inside the force field walls of Miss. Dawson's Home for the Truly Gifted. And so she vowed to always protect her sister no matter the cost.... Even if it meant giving up her life. Nobody would harm her little sister again.... No one.[/hider] [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] To protect her younger sister from danger. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] Walking the Line/Neutral [b]Siblings (If Any)[/b] Younger Sister~~~~> Artemis Reed [b]Pets (If Any):[/b] None