[img]http://i2.wp.com/img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130307200639/yakuza-mob-roleplay/images/5/5e/Nova1.jpg?w=180[/img] Name: Silas Hawk Age: 18 Powers: Geokinesis- Silas is able to control, manipulate, and shape the earth, from sand and dirt, to stone, to raw metals. Even metals that aren't too refined, purified, or altered from their natural state. Pretty much anything naturally generated by the planet that's not organic or man-made. Is also unaffected by the weight of such things. Weapons: His powers and his body, doesn't really know how to use any weapons short of swinging them or pulling a trigger/string. [hider=Bio:] A local dancer for a mother, and a mechanic for a father, and a little brother, the only bad part about about the family is that they were stuck living in a not so friendly area of the city. His parents did everything they could for their children, despite also having to settle the debts that kept them where they were, so it was an adequate living in a small house. It was around the age of 7 that Silas discovered his power, when he managed to trip himself with a small wall of dirt in the back yard. He almost told his parents about it, but decided not to when he saw that they had enough to deal with. He kept his powers a secret for 5 years, when his brother caught him skipping rocks across the yard. Louis, being 7 at the time while Silas was 12, was instantly amazed about it and even started calling him a superhero. Silas did manage to convince him to keep it a secret, under the guise that he already had villains plotting future plans and he couldn't be discovered yet. This, as one might've expected, developed a rather close bond, with Silas being more than capable of watching over and protecting Louis as they grew up, using his powers to trip up bullies that chased his little bro. The, just over half a year ago, it happened. It was a great time, his parents had finally paid all their debts and were now preparing to move. He was playing with his brother in the nearby park when he stopped looking for just a few minutes, the most regrettable few minutes of his life. Louis had been kidnapped and when Silas looked, it was only to see his brother getting dragged around a corner across the street. He gave chase immediately, not thinking to use his powers then in fear of being seen, but due to holding back arrived only to see his brother bleeding to death in the alley, the criminal just running out of sight. All he could do was hold him in the end. In a fit of rage he took off in a sprint after the murderer, recognizing him by the little bit of blood on his hands, chasing him for 10 minutes until he had cornered him between 2 decrepit houses. He wasn't the only one, another man was there to meat him, and if Silas' mind wasn't so cloud he would have recognized them as the serial killers on the new the night before. They stood no chance, and the police found Silas standing near 2 mangled bodies. Despite his actions, he was still placed into custody and tried, the government taking him away from his family and to a facility where they kept him drugged for fear of whatever he had done to the pair of murderers while running there tests on him for months. He missed the funeral. He eventually was transferred to Miss Dawson's when they felt they got all they could out of him without canceling drugging him.[/hider] Dreams/Wishes: To be a hero like his brother always wanted him to be. To fully understand and control his powers. To find forgiveness. And to visit his brother one last time. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Walking the Line, leans toward good, heavily Siblings (If Any): Had a little brother, doesn't wish to ever talk about it Pets (If Any): Strangely enough, birds tend to like him. So any bird can end up as a friend easily enough. But currently has no pets.