Ethel had calmed down a bit, but was still staring at the floor in the corner of the room. Her two locks of blue hair nearly touched it, hovering right above the surface and next to the girl's feet. She felt terrible about that loss. Nothing she wanted to do went her way. She only looked up as the last two duels were finishing up, soon after the various speakers scattered around the room hosting a voice. It called for everyone back into the lobby. Not like the bluenette had much of a choice... The gray duel disk she used earlier laid on the bench next to her, which Ethel picked up and put on top of the roller suitcase she brought with her. The handle was already extended, so if she started rolling there'd be no risk of it falling off. The cards she'd used earlier are still in the disk, and the pack was tucked away with the girl's luggage. Ethel rose to her feet, grabbed the handle of her suitcase and started to head off towards the main lobby area. Once arrived someone wheeled up to the podium. An elderly man, which would be the principal. The man started off his speech pretty standard. Then they jumped up on the podium, a few surprised cries coming out from some of the students in front of Ethel. Not surprising with how frail the man looked. The old man seemed full of vigor and reflects that by throwing the microphone to the floor, which made nearly everyone in the room flinch. After shouting [b][color=c4df9b]"Remember to believe in the heart of the cards!"[/color][/b] out loud the principal crumpled back into the wheelchair, rolled off and the teacher from earlier took their place. He started listing off names according to dorm, almost purposefully mispronouncing most of them... Including Ethel's last name. That got a little on her nerves, though nothing to make her lose her composure like earlier. The girl turned out in Earth... It didn't surprise her much, but it did make Ethel bite her lip. Ehtel's parents weren't going to be happy with this result at all... After this students were allowed to leave, and Ethel happily complied. She rose from her chair and made her way to the elevator, manages to catch the first one down and awaits the arrival to floor -1. It didn't take long for the girl to find her room. When she entered the earth section it was one of the first doors there, likely due to being in the second batch of duels. The person who got the room next to her was someone by the name of... 'Hayato'. Wasn't that the kid that dueled before her? Well, it's not as if Ethel pondered it for very long. The door opened easy enough and the bluenette had wasted no time unpacking her belongings. All it really was were some clothes, some utilities and a stuffed animal. Said stuffed animal was a rabbit with long ears actually hanging behind the head, most of it fur being black with some neo dark blue stripes running across it. On it's right eye was a lighter blue goggle of sorts, the little beady eye barely fitting into it. It was Ethel's favorite... After she was done organizing her things, Ethel went to the desk with the note on it. It was an order form of sorts. She could order two things if needed... When the girl had properly read the paper she'd immediately wrote down stuffed animals. She loved those, as reflected by the rabbit Ethel chose to bring with her. The second thing was a music player, alongside CD's of her favorite J-pop group. With that the girl had just about wrapped everything up in the room. A good half hour had passed with her sorting everything out. Honestly, Ethel didn't like the uniforms much... They were too moody for her. She actually undressed in her room and put on another outfit, a [url=]rabbit hoodie[/url] not dissimilar to her actual stuffed animal, though a lot more skin is showing compared to the previous one. She still wore the same skirt, though she also swapped out her previous kneesocks with horizontally black-and-white striped ones. There was still some time to kill, so Ethel laid down on the bed and flung one arm over her eyes, attempting to take a small nap as there wasn't much else to do. She held the rabbit from earlier in her other arm, close to the stomach. Then the announcement came. Ethel was jolted from her sleep, frantically looking around to see where it was coming from. Luckily nobody saw her at that moment, she looked about to sprint... The actual message was for people to gather in arena B1 again, which REALLY confused the bluenette. Weren't they supposed to have a resting period now? Ugh, didn't matter. Begrudgingly the frail one got up. She'd been in her sleepwear a bit earlier, which consisted of nothing but a simple oversised dark-blue T-shirt, but quickly changed back into the hoodie from earlier. Ethel scanned the room for where she left the disk. It was on top of that desk from earlier, which came in handy as it wasn't too far of a walk. She secured it to her arms and walked out of the room, locking it behind her. She grabbed one of the elevators up again, noticing a few familiar faces. Didn't take long for the elevator to reach it's destination. Ethel walked to the arena alongside a few others, taking a notice of the 'Hayato' boy from the placement duels, who was also her neighbor. Maybe she should sit next to him... They're going to be dorm mates after all... Ethel walked over and took a seat next to Hayato, taking a quick glance at the ponytail he wore. It looked kind of silly, with the trench coat and all, but everyone should dress herself how they want to. Hell, Ethel's one to talk with what she's wearing right now...