[img]http://s9.favim.com/orig/130724/book-books-dreams-cute-kawaii-girl-reading-Favim.com-798878.jpg[/img] Name: Rebecca Cleptes Age: 19 Powers: Density manipulation (picnokinesis) - Rebecca can alter the density and thus weight of most things, though mostly non-living things. Her powers do have their limits, of course, and she's better at decreasing density. Weapons: Rebecca does not carry weapons and has never had an interest in using any. Bio: Rebecca Cleptes, for the most part, was just a regular girl in a fairly regular world. She'd always been clumsy, misjudging the weight of things and occasionally sending them flying across the room. Well, that's what she reckoned was happening, since nothing else had ever signaled Rebecca that she was somehow different from her peers. She was plenty busy with fitting in and doing well in her life on all fronts, often overwhelmed, that even when really bizarre things would happen, she dismissed it as clumsiness or her being too tired to function properly. In time, though, she began to notice a pattern with these weird occurences, and noticed they began happening more often as she matured. Accidents would sometimes happen with far too heavy things tipping over, and sometimes Rebecca could almost swear she lifted off the ground for just the second it took her to notice. Deciding to test a weird theory, she one day sat down and focused very hard on getting a book to levitate. After 5 minutes of intense straining, she gave up, but was shocked when she lifted the book and it weighed practically nothing. She felt weight return to the book slowly, and focused on making it heavier, almost dropping it when it did indeed get heavy. Things suddenly made sense, but she still found that she could not really control her powers without intense concentration, and accidents happened with scarily increasing frequency. She knew then her life would not be the same - and of course, it was indeed not. She became more sheltered, having been fairly popular up until then. She reasoned that by keeping to herself, she would not put others in harm's way, and all would be well with the world. However, never coming into contact with anyone proved impossible, and control slipped away from Rebecca, barring the way for more accidents. Soon, a limit had been reached, and she was whisked off to Miss. Dawson's Home. Dreams/Wishes: Rebecca mainly wants two things from life; to fit in and be accepted and loved by her peers, and to understand and control her powers. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: While Rebecca aspires to do "the right thing", she can often get overwhelmed and choose the easy way out, despite it maybe not being very morally right. Siblings: None. Pets: None, though she is fond of animals.